This is Stefano Bertoncello's Blog (ステファノ・ベルトンチェッロ - トゥーグッドイアーズ − ブロガー、オーディオ&ミュージック・コンサルタント) devoted to pacific topics like Music - live and reproduced - i.e. discs, audio, guitars - both vintage and new, concerts, workshops, and related stuffs.
Furthermore: travelling - as a mind-game and real globetrotting, and books, movies, photography... sharing all the above et al. and related links... and to anything makes Life better and Earth a better place to stay, enjoying Life, in Peace.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
R.I.P. Dept. - Paco de Lucia passed away in Cancun, Mexico...
R.I.P. Paco de Lucia (21 December 1947 – 26 February 2014) "I have to confess that I still do not read music at all. When I look at all the artists today I think they are doing the right thing to learn as much as possible about music. When I was young I simply had no choice but to learn by ear. Some people say that this might be a reason why my music comes more from inspiration than from intellect." - Paco de Lucía
Thanking my friend Fabio... I wasn't going to write about this sad event for laziness... yet, the above mentioned words he found and hinted to me are so sincere and inspiring. R.I.P. Paco...
Re: Stereo set en HT set van Joost
Een paar weken geleden de snakepit aka de kabelvoorraad ingedoken en de AQ
Monsoon powercables aan de luidsprekers vervangen door Nordost Shiva
DB Flannel and Bow Tie Monday. . .
Cool once more here in Mid-Michigan today, even chilly this morning with
frost in the night. Ideal weather for a heavy, wool flannel
double-breasted ...
Serigraf Ball
A football is a clever assembly of pentagons and hexagons that must be
combined to form a harmonious and colorful design. Simon Mutscher and
Là fuori, l’America: gli U2 di “The Joshua Tree”
Un articolo pubblicato a suo tempo sul “Mucchio” in cui rievocavo come gli
U2, innamorandosi del Grande Paese, divennero grandi – nel senso di adulti:
Catching up with Impakt Records: Part I
By Nick Ostrum
Impakt Records is a label dedicated to documenting Cologne’s free
improvisation scene, much of which revolves around the club Loft Köln. T...
Castle Isis loudspeakers
In this digital, computer age loudspeakers are often seen as poor relations
of the electronics in a hi-fi or home cinema system. As electro-acoustic
The New Köln Concert – Tribute to Keith Jarrett
[image: The New Köln Concert – Tribute to Keith Jarrett]
To mark the 50th anniversary of *The Köln Concert*, the WDR
Funkhausorchester has released Memori...
Beautiful washi bags designed by Naoto Fukasawa
Japanese washi paper maker Onao collaborated with renowned product designer
Naoto Fukasawa, who liked the way washi got wrinkles when it was shrieked.
Douk U4 PJ Miaolai A4 Part III
Letter from Hong Kong (25-1): ELO on Douk U4/PJ Miaolai A4,
againReview: Douk U4 (aka PJ Miaolai A4), Part IIIDouk U4 Part
I from Doctorjohn has all the ...
solo rocket 💚🖤💛 -> grateful ☀️ caused the forest to boogie 🌈 yesternow
vision maple filters/low end vibration off the chain ∞ thx to my fam for
《紙ジャケ》クリンク/オールディーズレコード ONCE MORE MUSIC《Papersleeve》
2025年3月28日予定フランク・ザッパ /
anyone ever seen one of these?
This looks like a 71A in a 50 bottle from the front and becomes a
completely different beast when you move to the side.
33 1/3 Open Call for Proposals 2025
Exciting news… The next 33 1/3 open call for proposals is officially open!
If you’re a 33 1/3 fan, writer, or music lover now is your chance to submit
Schön nerdiges neues YT-Video
Vor geraumer Zeit habe ich mich mal wieder vor einer Kamera herumgetrieben
und Sachen zu einem hoch spannenden Vollverstärker erzählt. Guckst du hier:
Flexibility of custom isolation transformers
Why do we custom isolation transformers? Flexibility is the key advantage,
among the others. Here we list a few options and actually there are more
than me...
Horn wood
Shaping wood by hand for replica western electric solid wood horn, this one
is for a solid wood 15a spoken about here Western Electric 15a “solid wood”
*Allargando l’orizzonte:*
La Musa d’Italia … i suoni del liuto
The Italian Muse… sounds of the lute I giorni del liuto – Lute Days 2
edizione 2nd edition 4-6 aprile 2025 Auditorium del Centro Studi
Adolfo Broeg...
Happy New Year!
Another year is ending and times are changing.
You probably noticed a reduced number of posts on my blog during the recent
months and exactly one ...
тонарм Сансуи
К сожалению, оригинальная проводка потеряла свойства гибкости и окислилась
, поэтому пришлось заменить на литц от дорогих наушников аудиотехника
,шикарные ...
PSVANE Horizon Series 12AU7-AT
[image: PSVANE Horizon Series 12AU7-AT]
Note: There is a rating embedded within this post, please visit this post
to rate it.
Punkt Live Remixes Vol. 2
by Sidsel Endresen, Jan Bang and Erik Honoré PUNKT EDITIONS: Renowned
Norwegian musicians Sidsel Endresen, Jan Bang and Erik Honoré are proud to
announce t...
Gli smalti per le unghie sono vegan?
Gli smalti si possono considerare sempre vegan e cruelty free? La risposta,
come spesso accade, è: non sempre. Ecco a quali ingredienti fare attenzione.
Re: Any one still visiting the KDAC forum?
Hi Tuyen,
Met you at Martins Seddon's house quite a few years ago. I think Steve the
Vitavoxdude was there with his old school Cambridge CD player.
I don'...
I Drink Alone
Remember that one or six times when I wrote about The Fine Young Cannibals?
Well, yesterday I was making a nice pan of brownies, with extra chunks of
Happy New Year
Happy New Year all, I hope you all got a great Christmas and a wonderful
New Year.
I know that I should have been back months ago, but I have been v...
How to Mount Heavy Speakers on a Wall
Mounting speakers on the walls is a popular solution, and you’ve seen it
done on different audio systems. But completing this task might sound
daunting i...
Kenwood KT-5020 (***Follow-up***)
Was window shopping in town when I stumble upon this little gem.
Kenwood KT-5020
FMTUNERINFO rates the KT-5020 as a top-10 contender among all the device...
빈 심포니 내한공연, 장한나 지휘, 길샤함 협연 예술의전당
6월 1일 예술의전당에서 빈심포니 내한공연이 있었다. 한국-오스트리아 수교 130주년 기념으로 내한연주가 예정되었는데, 처음 기획되었던
피아노협연자가 바이올린협연으로 변경되고, 공연 며칠전 지휘자마저 코로나 확진으로 갑자기 장한나로 변경되었다. 뉴욕에서 연락받은 장한나는
HyVibe Harp Guitar
Come to the Harp Guitar Gathering in Milford, CT at the end of the October
and hear the world’s first HyVibe-equipped harp guitars! We’re talking
Owen Young 1950-2021
It is with great sadness that I must announce the sudden passing of Owen
Young, the owner of this blog, on 19 April 2021. Owen was an amazing
Husband, the ...
Re: Trident A Range Low Freq Response
Quote from: Lerok on *Today* at 12:43:57 PM
I'm thinking a 1:10 input transformer for around 20dB of gain should be
I'm not so sure. You sho...
جمع بندي من از كامپيوتر آوديو COMPUTER AUDIO
مجموعا با چالش هايي كه هست بهتره CEC TL0 3.0 رو داشته باشید . بقیه مدلهای
CEC هم پیشنهاد نمیشه، فقط مدل TL0 3.0 . ما سه چالش داريم در گرفتن صداي
خوب از ك...
Renovation Time
This blog started as an experiment March 6 2009. There are over 6 million
pageviews. I'm going to break alot of shit when I move this blog so please
be ...
Die Röhren für den „Collector´s Choice“
Unser „Collector´s Choice“ amp wird uns durch die Geschichte meines
Röhrenregals führen. Fangen wir an in der Aera der Kinderstube im Jahr
1928. Im Jahr 19...
Sakura - The Beast Inside (2011 Belgium) @320
The music of the five-piece group Sakura will certainly continue to
resonate once you have seen them live.
They bring swinging balfolk in a contemporary ja...
bag man sam said to ham hand bob…
“we gotta fly, man. like now!” this will be a quick hit, just to get
something fun out of my system. i really like hybrid circuits… and the
puzzle that is ...
The black combo
Finally we got some black corian. We had many request for this and we sre
now proud to announce that is available for all of our product. Those are
LH-2 an...
The 25th Vacuum Tube Audio Fair - Japan
Always my special moment to visit this audio event in every October.
But this is first time that organize after Mr Susumu Sakuma passed away.
So Sun Audio...
ETF 2019
Arrival Thursday evening in lovely Belleme
What is this?
A Magnetizer - get your magnets energized right here.
Test gear
Now that is a triode.
Rudra Veena: Jyoti Hegde
Jyoti Hegde (Sanskrit: ज्योती हेग्डे, IPA: [dʑjoːtɪ ɦeːɡɖeː]) is a Rudra
Veena and Sitar artist from Khandarbani Gharana. She has pursued music
since age 1...
Collection Resolution Part V -– 12 inch Tone Arms
Hello everybody,
today I want to start my final sales with 12-inch tone arms. As some
people may have recognized, within the the last eight years this blo...
Popol Vuh – Einsjäger & Siebenjäger
If Hosiana Mantra and were Popol Vuh’s perfect morning albums then this is
their start of the afternoon record. The energy has changed, there is some
…The business end of the awesome Leben CS-1000 stereo amplifier… A wide
frequency response from 10Hz to 150KHz(-3dB) Sensitive bias meter
High-grade Metal ...
Just a small update to let everyone know that some major vinyl rarities
from the Mutant Sound archive are being auctioned currently and auctions
will be co...
Placing The Bybee V2 Part 1: Speakers
Welp. We've moved the blog uh-gain. Back to Follow the link
Amazing Grace
Dear Mailing List, Long time no see! The subject of this newsletter is one
of the reasons you haven’t heard from me lately. I don’t believe I’ve
Significant Bits | 3.31.19
A completely random, not at all comprehensive, compendium of audio nuggets
we’ve seen this week. John Darko talks to über tonearm designer Frank
Audio & Video • Re: Microphone
Hallo Leute. Ich interessiere mich auch für diese Informationen.
Statistics: Posted by Klaus32 — Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:10 pm
Parker Sonnet Fountain Pen (sold)
*Parker Sonnet* Fountain Pen (NOS) New in original box.
Green Lacquer Body. Made in France.
Selling Price : *SOLD*
Interested please contact *Alan 016-557684...
SUCCI SAIU PAPETTI “Three Branches” EL GALLO ROJO, CD 2016 di Alessandro
Nobis La definizione che Achille Succi (clarinetti), Giacomo Papetti
New Store and Shopping Cart System
We recently discovered that our shopping cart system was no longer
returning shipping prices for customers in the United Kingdom, making it
impossible for ...
The Embrooks
We all have no problem in giving pride of place and any amount of kudos to
albums that were made by vintage names from the 1960s and 1970s, and we
L'amplificateur SE 845 ATS Officina Tron-audio
Chers amis audiophiles,
Avec cette nouvelle année, je souhaite vous présenter mon tout nouveau
C'est un projet ambitieux puisqu'il s'agit de ré...
Nowy serwis streamingowy od Sony
Chociaż konkurencja na rynku serwisów strumieniowych jest już wystarczajaco
zacięta, kolejni próbują swoich sił. Tym razem na rynek wkracza Sony pod
rękę z...
Παυσίλυπον '65~'96
Ήταν ένας άνθρωπος με όψη ταπεινή
η καταγωγή του λαϊκή
Το ‘65 υπερέβαλε εαυτόν
μήνυμα οι καμπάνες του για κάθε μικροαστόν
Μα κι οι άνθρωποι αυτοί
50 Awesome Of Floor Plans with Dimensions Stock
50 Awesome Of Floor Plans with Dimensions Stock floor plans with dimensions
Floor Plans with Dimensions Newest House Plans and Home In E Plan from
floor ...
Return to MM cartridges ?
This is a very interesting article (here)
And (here) some info about these new Topwing cartridges ana a review (here).
But some vintage MM Ca...
英Goodsell PFAコントロールアンプ
英Goodsell PFAコントロールアンプのオーバーホールを行いました。 1952年発売し、1958年位まで製造されていたようです。
このアンプの最大の特徴は ...
The post 英Goodsell PFAコントロールアンプ first appeared on VintageAudio.
Rythmik 12" flat pack
We now have a standard flat pack for the Rythmik 300W kit:
This is designed for the 300W Hypex amp version, which has a slightly
larger enclosure than F12...
STAX headphone SiC amplifier "AmberBridge"
Triode-like behaviour of bottom SiC MOSFET endstage. Topside MOSFET -
gyrator and output. CREE SiC 1700V (C2M1000170D).
First tests are done, connected to...
The TJN Mod
The TJN Mod showcases my practical but extremely effective solutions, which
explains my actual results, results which lead to such high reports of the
An Old Friend Returns!
On the 15th of October an Old Friend returned after 47 years of
uninterrupted service. This 3.5MW Transformer has been in service since
1969 and has bee...
EOI: Focal 1028 Be 2, Imperial Red (BNIB).
Item: Focal 1028 Be2.
Location: Sydney.
Price: Circa $9250 ($11499 new price).
Item Condition: These will be new in an unopened box when they arrive in
the ...
yet another new turntable
A true plug and play turntable that packs a lot into a small package. It
features a carbon fiber tonearm, belt driven Corian platte...
New horizons
Dear Audio16 followers and readers, The both of us have since 2012 been
focused on offering a large variety of articles concerning our shared
hobby, modest...
Testing Blog Post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei oblique aliquid assentior ei. Eirmod
reprimique mea cu, usu dicant detraxit deserunt ne. Eu discere forensibus
expetendis e...
For Torontonians of the era, the closing of the Flagship Sam's Record store
on Yonge Street in 2001 was truly the end of an era. Since 1937 this 140
A new website for Cala Mighty Sound !
It's been a while since there has been any updates over here. In fact we
were working on a new website for Cala Mighty Sound. Just have a look here
: Cala ...
Jürg Frey – String Quartet No.3 / Unhörbare Zeit
CD Wandelweiser I should mention that should anyone ever ask which five
albums I would choose to be stranded with upon a desert island, Jürg Frey’s
first v...
A Sampler of World Music for the Guitarist
*Before tackling the elements of an American or Western raga, as suggested
in a previous post, I would like to take a side excursion: to “…. return
to t...
Braun M15 neben Braun-Prototyp-Lautsprecher
Gestern bekamen wir Besuch von einem älteren Herren, der uns seine Braun
Box gebracht hatte zur Überarbeitung. Er war in der Zeit zwischen 1978 und
1981 En...
Music’s role in rehabilitation and motivation
The content of 2015’s Music Care Conference will be bookended by dramatic
and inspiring addresses by Allison Woyiwada and Alvin Law.
To kick off this yea...
Davy Graham & Bert Jansch: The Parting Glass
*Vendor: *Les Cousins
*Type: *Download
*Price: * 10.00
1080p HD Feature Film & 9 Unreleased Tracks
Feature length movie of Davy Graham in 2005 travelli...
Audio High End KEF Reference 5
Depuis plus de 40 ans, la gamme vedette de KEF s’est distinguée par son nom
«Reference» représentant un exercice de haut vol pour sa conception,
jusqu’à ...
Koetsu - a natural presence.
Authentic means more than accuracy. Like the difference between a Latimore
and a Fitzgerald or Fagles translation of Ancient ...
New Favorite Blog - Stack o' Sides
Ok folks, so I don't get much time on the internet these days, what with
living off-grid and all. But I just discovered that one of my favorite
musicians, ...
Alasdair Roberts – Ploughboy Lads
There are almost no gay love songs, I think our historic marginalisation
made us focussed on our sexuality as defining us rather than our love.
Alasdair Ro...
Coca Cola and Cupcakes
*After hours at Eileen Fisher.*
The best Coke is from Mexico. This is Dara at Sam's Pizzeria holding a
bottle of Mexican Coca Cola...
REAL Fake WE 755As from Western Labo
Interested parties worldwide are by now well-acquainted with the Line
Magnetic LM 755EX, a field coil "remake" of a Western Electric 755A.
Although often r...
Ravi Shankar - Sound of the Sitar
*ravi shankar*
sound of the sitar
1. raga malkauns - alap
2. raga malkauns - jor
3. tala sawari
4. pahari dhun
rest in peace ravi, you w...
Last post
There won’t be any more posts on this blog. Time to move to other projects.
Thanks to all the people who have supported the blog during these 5 years.
* * ...
It's been a few *years *since I posted on my horn build. Here's a picture
showing the system's progression.
Some notes:
I added a pair of 650 Hz Le Cle...
Samba de Janeiro
Bilder sind manchmal eben einfach aussagekräftiger:
Das einzige, das schade ist, ist die Tatsache, dass sie Eckhornkehlen gehen
werden müssen.
Reflections from MCTS 2012
From May 11th through the 13th, I was fortunate enough to participate in
what I hope will become the first of a regular academic gig at Cornell
Stapler of the Week Archive- Zenith 548
*Zenith 548* enamel finish steel and nickle plated brass
*Zenith 548 box top exterior and interior* cardboard
I am always on the lookout for my favor...
By Jorge Luis Borges
Of all the streets that blur into the sunset,
there must be one (which, I am not sure)
that I by now have walked for the l...
RMAA analysis of EVO Shift
Frequency response (from 40 Hz to 15 kHz), dB
+0.27, -2.77
Noise level, dB (A)
Very good
Dynamic range, dB (A)
Very good
THD, ...
Lautsprecher: Bauformen-Funktionsweise-Geschichte
Heute möchte ich die Funktionsweise unserer Schallwandler, den
Lautsprechern erklären. Natürlich ist das ganze erst mal ein sehr trockenes
Thema, allerding...
Another Sonic World
LISTEN NOWPHIL MANZANERA / 801Polydor Deluxe 2302 074 UKYes, I am back with
new energy and enthusiasm, and what a great record to start with. Phil
New Look Online
My music website at has been redone to
reflect the release of a new album, The Legend of Vernon McAlister and the
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