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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ECM's Manfred Eicher and audio

I've been asking myself about this for years... decades, now: which kind of music system uses/owns ECM's boss, Manfred Eicher?

His recordings are among THE very best, his sonic vision is flawless and crystal-clear: wide soundstage, beautifully layered, variety of timbres... he created, since first ECM's discs, back in 1969, a new kind of music... ECM!

NOT jazz, not ethnic, not new-age or rock or folk or classical... it's free music, it's a little of all these!

The venues where these wonderful recordings have been created are an handful, considering the decades involved: Talent Studios in Oslo, Tonstudio Bauer in Ludwigsburg, some live recordings (the most beloved held at America Haus in Munchen) and sone NYC selected studio, BUT always edited at Bauer's, some Austrian churches and recently, ArteSuono Studio near Udine, Italy...

Manfred Eicher "conducting" in the studio... B&W speakers in the background...

Arvo Part and Manfred Eicher

Manfred Eicher and Jan Erik Kongshaug

The decades long producing and attention to his HIGH sonic aesthetic and vision made ECM a masterpiece of consistency and quality.

... so, again: which music system used Manfred Eicher at his old Gleichmannstrasse, 10 in Munchen's headquarter or uses these days at the new premises or at home?

Apparently, El Cheapos Marantz integrated amp and SONY DAT and bookshelf speakers... so, maybe his listening while at the desk is only for pleasure, as he listened to the real thing, in the studio, direcly from musicians, so, like many musicians (and Manfred Eicher definitely IS a musician...) he doesn't need a true audiophile audio system... his aural memory is so well worn and his skill so refined that's enough... yet...

Manfred Eicher in his ECM office

... a truly motorik view from Mr. Eicher's window... 

Does him only use the above system or also an home audio system for evaluating or simply enjoying?

I'd REALLY like to know his home music-room size, speakers, turntable (if any), disk player, arm, cartridge... everything!

... not for gossip-sake, BUT to have the (almost unnecessary) confirmation that nothing is by chance... and that Manfred Eicher can hear!



James Dowdy said...

Many, many years ago I read that Manfred used Klimo OTL amplifiers with Yamaha NS-1000M speakers.

I have no idea how accurate this report is; but it definitely stimulated my interest in both components. I *still* haven't heard the Klimos!


James Dowdy said...

Many, many years ago, I read that Manfred used Klimo OTL amplifiers and Yamaha NS-1000M speakers.

I have no idea if this was true or not - but it spurred my interest in both.


raptusx said...

On this picture below, Manfred listening on:
1. Amplifier is Marantz PM44
2. Rick detects Sony DTC-59ES
3. The CD player is Pioneer PD-5000
4. Speakers passive version Klein + Hummel SL 35