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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Goto Unit/Royal Sound Amarcord


Regarding the similarity of the Gotos with the Pioneers... the story goes that the old Goto had disassembled and repaired an old pair of 38cm TAD (Pioneer...) already in the 60s which he then resumed and dramatically increased in size of the magnets and consequently the magnetic flux... unlike Koizumi-san (Onken) who took the 416 and 515 as a model for his woofers, Goto did so...

Seija Goto and his son with some SG 146LD bass-drivers

The horns you see in the photos are the 150B, depth (length) 125cm + driver, while mine are the 150, 142cm deep, to be used with the "old" small throat mid-bass drivers (SG-555PS , in my case)... 

I cut down to 180hz, instead of 220hz... frankly, even messing around wildly in a closet like mine, I can't hear delays or "strange" diffractions... if anything, I run into big problems to assemble a harmonic and functional whole, given the weights and dimensions... but even with the unpresentable mess of these days, the sound is incredibly alive and detailed, even if comparing everything with the excellent, adored Jabo... I don't exclude that I could - one day - take home a couple of SG-146DLs, to finally free myself from the slowness of paper woofers... but then horns would really become a nightmare... at least in my environment.

(The above text was written by yours truly and published in Epidauro forum in 2008)

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