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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Breaking news - Analogtechnik’s DST17D “Ice Age”


After almost one year after Maestro Daniel Kim was instructed about the exclusive project - fueled by my pal Marco’s impeccable good-taste - for a no-compromises, cost-no-object, bespoke version of the DST’s cartridge: fossil-mammoth cantilever (yes!), meteorite-iron pole-pieces, silver ultra-low impedance triangle-shaped coils and extra care hand-tuning!

The result is just awesome… judge by yourself 🥇

A (more conventional but masterfully made) DST15D La Scala was briefly tasted by a selected panel of tasty and motivated listeners, was highly appreciated at last Munchen Hi End show, only a few days ago: the Silbatone’s WE system simply flew higher then before, without the Analogtechnik’s.

Not sure only my (biased 😇) opinion: the lucky listeners on last Friday in Munchen were - simply said - mouth-watering!

What about DST17D?

A Statement, folks! A labor of love from a quiet, skilled, happy man: a gifted artisan who infused his love for music into something of unique.

This cartridge will write history, period.


1 comment:

TheMooN said...

Dear Stephan , Would you have a contact ( number or email etc) for Daniel ? I am most interested in his craftsmanship and would be interested in placing myself on his purchasers list I can be contacted at DasHarlequin(at) much obliged , Jasper.