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Monday, January 11, 2016

David Bowie dies!!!

My heart is bleeding!

One of the strongest heroes of my musical life died of cancer, aged 69.

I just heard it and well... one of his timeless songs surfaced to my lips and I found a puzzled me whistling, with a tear in my eye.

Cruel life... as also Heroes die.

His chamaleon-like persona, all his incarnations are jumping in my head: Ziggy, the yellow eyes alien, the Tin Machine man, the Diamond Dog, Aladdin...

His melodies and blasting personas will out-survive him, forever.

RIP dear Thin White Duke and condolences to his family... cannot stop whistling his songs and being in tears.

... while listening to Blackstar... after Bert Jansch's The Black Swan...  I'm bleeding... life is tough and heavy... black it is!

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