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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Song Dept. - Annie Whitehead's "Mozambique" from Mix Up on Paladin Records (1984)

A rainy Sunday morning... made it shiny anyway, while listening to trombonist extraordinaire Annie Whitehead and her first solo disc with its very Mama Africa shade.

Annie Whitehead, the Trombone Lady who played with 2Tones and Robert Wyatt and Penguin Cafe Orchestra and in several British jazz projects, is in my opinion heralding the Britishness of old Ogun's discs.

The sound of the disc in cinematic, groovy and very '80s... nonetheless a pleasure to listen to and "Mozambique" on side 1 with its clean, deep bass notes and rhythm is something to make you shake and dance.

A nice wax... and a superb musician!

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