Have Young People Really Turned MAGA?
Feeling empowered is different from numerical growth.
22 minutes ago
This is Stefano Bertoncello's Blog (ステファノ・ベルトンチェッロ - トゥーグッドイアーズ − ブロガー、オーディオ&ミュージック・コンサルタント) devoted to pacific topics like Music - live and reproduced - i.e. discs, audio, guitars - both vintage and new, concerts, workshops, and related stuffs. Furthermore: travelling - as a mind-game and real globetrotting, and books, movies, photography... sharing all the above et al. and related links... and to anything makes Life better and Earth a better place to stay, enjoying Life, in Peace.
Playing Pärt Arvo Pärt making music with students of the music school © 2012 International Arvo Pärt Center Minor Film Universal Edition, Vienna Directed and filmed by Dorian Supin 2-DVD, 276 minutes 16:9, Stereo Subtitles: English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Estonian Regional code: all zones Booklet in English and Estonian ECM New Series IAPC-1 | In 2011 the Old Town Music School of Collegium Educationis Revaliae and the International Arvo Pärt Centre together staged a student concert of works by Arvo Pärt in Tallinn's Swedish St Michael's Church. This double DVD package is a recording of the concert and the rehearsals plus a conversation between Nora and Arvo Pärt. |