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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The unsung Aussie Beatle


On June 12, 1964, The Beatles landed in Adelaide, Australia. Well 3 of The Beatles anyway. Ringo had been in the hospital and a friend of theirs, Jimmie Nicol had taken his place playing drums. (Many people spell his name Jimmy)

Over 250,000 people were on the road the band took from the airport to their hotel. It was a 10 mile trip and it was the biggest "welcome" The Beatles ever received.

For Jimmie Nicol, it had to be the trip of a lifetime. But it didn't last. When Ringo returned on June 14th, The Beatles threw a party that lasted till 4 am. Jimmie was not invited.

On the morning of June 15th, Beatles manager, Brian Epstein drove Jimmie to the airport and gave the drummer 500 pounds and a gold watch. He didn't say goodbye to The Beatles as they were all sleeping when he left.

This is a picture of Jimmie at the airport.

Do you think Jimmy was disrespected or do you think he knew what was coming?

Really, we would think it was a dream come true, while it lasted, 57 years ago.

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