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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Stephan Mucus’ new disk out soon on ECM

Since 1977 Stephan Micus has been an ECM mainstay who constantly evolved and developed his musical language. Micus's working methods, are connected with the immediate present. He plays each instrument and sings every voice himself. The 'score' is ultimately an accumulation of successively recorded tracks assembled in his studio.

'I don't write down my music in score notation but work with recording equipment from the very start. I improvise on an instrument as long as it takes to find a phrase that seems interesting. Then I develop and elaborate these seeds. Thanks to the recording equipment, I have a mirror for my work whenever I want, even after a long break. Letting things lie and listening to them later is a very important part of the process. Another is trying out the many possibilities of combining my instruments. It takes time, for the music has to grow organically.'


His new album ‘Winter’s End’ will be released next Friday. Pre-order and listen to the first two pieces here:

#ecm #ecmrecords #stephanmicus #wintersend

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