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Friday, November 16, 2018

The Soloist's speakers - Jordan Watts

Jordan Watts are speakers from the outer space, period! 

Ted Jordan was a Jedi who visited planet Earth and gifted humankind with Goodmans' Axiom 80 and later Jordan Watts' wide-band speakers.

BTW: have a pristine, N.O.S. '58 vintage Axiom 80 pair for sale... they're museum quality, perfect.. if interested, contact me at stefanocello-AT-gmail-DOT-com - will send hi-resolution pixies upon request.

These '60s speakers makes any soloist appearing, flesh and bones, in my studio.

A miracle!

You hear every breathe in a very seldom experienced way.

I had a long eargasm, today... and it isn't happening so often.

Fantastic, simply fantastic with Misho's Woodenamps... sublime with Fidelity Research AS-1 and Partridge/Copper 300B mono-blocks.

Ted Jordan was a genius, folks... and anyone into high resolution crossover-less speakers should experience'em... if they're good for Be Yamamura (who designed and built his own Cantus' speakers after Jordan Watts' design solutions and use them in his system, as well... ), who am I to confute it?

Soloist's speakers, I wrote... yes: Bert Jansch, Jakob Lindberg and Ralph Towner played in my Studietto. No kidding: I very seldom so much enjoyed Ralph's Guild 12 strings guitar and Bert's voice in full bloom.

Thanking my best pal Franz, Fiona and Trieu for the JW's project.

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