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Sunday, November 11, 2018

My best recording to-date

Yesterday I attended to an organ concert in my hometown Cattedrale...

... and recorded it.

I placed the Neumann USM-69 stereo in Blumlein, crossed 8-figure pattern about six meters from the organ, at about four meter height from church floor, using my trusty Sound Devices 722 at 24bit/192Khz.

The sound, also during monitoring through Beyer DT-48, was gorgeous!

The church reverberation was well here BUT not over-emphasizing and blurring the very organ voice... when I listened to the recording through Gotorama, I was jaw-dropped by the beauty and trueness of the sound: not the usual thick, slow sound too often experienced in organ recordings, but a great recording, with extremely quick decay, not showing any unwanted echoing and frequencies cancelling.

A beauty.

Dynamics are impressively rendered, low-end is true to life and high frequencies are extremely clear, extended and effortless, not shouting.

I must admit I'm very, very satisfied of the recording.


Thanking my lovely wifey for most of the above pixies... and maestro Johannes Götz for his majestic playing.

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