Music is, in my humble opinion, among the very few "natural facts" - i.e. the purest of pure aspects of creation - like tides, a sunset, the heartbeat, the chemical of Love, my dog eyes...
When the above need a guessing, anything more than awe and bliss, there is something deeply "wrong".
A thunder is perceived by ears and body... music, the very same...
The pleasure in listening should be so direct to be mind-boggling, violent, animal.
Like we don't bother, almost do not care, about our heart and heartbeat - which goes and goes and goes - we should not "think" about the Music we're listening to.
Zen-like: Music is Music... misteriously self-standing and existing: like touching a butterfly wings... vivisecting it, deteriorates it.
It is...
Ain't a bit too broad definition? There is a lot of rubbish passing by as music that makes me wonder if you are either too romantic or way too auto referential
Sure the first;-)
I like taking the risk, as a more romantic - maybe decadent - world would be better than a wars and crisis plagued one...
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