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Sunday, October 13, 2019

DaVa field-coil cartridge from Lithuania

Darius Valiunas' masterpiece, built after years of trial & error, countless hours of desk by-hand twisting lilliputian coils and even tinier copper wire the diameter of angels' hairs.

The result is DaVa, a field coil hand-made cartridge using a cactus sting cantilever (yes!!!) and square shaped in-air coils (ultra-low impedance = ultra detailing).

The cost of this beauty will be communicated soon... will it be expensive?

It will be appropriate to years of research, BUT more: here you buy the entry-ticket for a totally different realm: the Magic World of DST Cartridges!

Neumann DST, Lumiere DST, Tzar, DaVa... all are the declination of a weird design which, once you listen to, you're hopelessly hooked for life.

So, let's welcome Darius' skilled hands and superb handicraft.

Hopefully, testing it soon in my The Peak/Garrardzilla combo.

Stay tuned.

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