Has Russia’s Shadow Fleet Added Sabotage to Its List?
Russia has assembled a fleet of hundreds of vessels to covertly ship its
oil. With so many ships at sea, the idea of using some to cause havoc may
be provi...
29 minutes ago
Lovely, welcoming....
And comfortable, especially the Eames lounge chair ;)
Always good to get some room for dancing but Stefano, would you please share your reasons for purging, details of what gear you kept and why and how you perceive the difference in sound from before?
Easy reply: I kept in use the Garrardzilla and Le Solstice/Kaneda preamp and Nuforce MCA-20 Stealth Class D 8-channels power amp with 4-ways Mayer crossover... using a silver “Y” cable am able to use my three lovely passive preamps for three tapes recorders and Blu Ray, as well. I get more flexibility, music and details... got bored by Mayer’s four chassis preamp and Le Classè A four amps, too noisy for the noise floor I prefer.
Forgetting: the EMT 930st I owned for 30 years and was using twice per year has gone with no regrets, at all... it’s now in a friend good hands, loved and used often...
Very interesting! I’ve been eyeing that nuforce for a while for simplicity but didn’t know if it’d cut it in a horn setup of this caliber.
It does!
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