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Saturday, March 31, 2018


A rainy Saturday afternoon stands to music-listening as sex stands to love...

... or not?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Glenn Jones' acoustic guitar compilation

From Glenn himself...

I selected and sequenced the tracks for this double LP (or 78-minute CD) collection and wrote the accompanying liner notes. Just got my copies -- Concord / Craft did a bang-up job: top grade vinyl; heavy board gatefold cover; color minis of all the original Takoma and Vanguard LPs; six 11 X 11 pages of notes (20 pages in the CD). Two tracks have never been reissued since they came out on LP more than 40 years ago. Proud!


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Spring 2018 yard-sale

I'm selling the following gears, well-cared for, in flawlessly working conditions... why?

Not because I don't like, actually... yet, life is changes, folks... and I love changing...

Seriously: I'm actually enjoying other gears in my system and it's time to let these fine objects go and find a new, good home.

Thomas Mayer 4-chassis transformers-coupled preamp: line-stage using 2 x 1929 N.O.S. Cunningham CX310 with power supply and Dave Slagle transformers and LCR phono-stage using 4 x Western Electric 437A and Tango LCR EQ600 with power supply. Many N.O.S. spare-tubes included. 220V only. Superb!

Garrardzilla and 4-ways crossovers not included in the offer;-)

Hiraga Le Classè A 30W Class A amps - 4 pieces available, in perfect shape, nicely sounding, superb building quality.

- Marantz 7C tube pre-amp from the '60s with six "Diamond/Smooth plate" N.O.S. Telefunken ECC-83 100 % unmodified/original, as built by Saul Marantz and Sidney Smith + wooden case + original papers - truly seldom seen 220V original!!!!!

- Marantz 10B tube-tuner, the "Rolls-Royce" of tuners from the '60s + wooden case + fully original/unmodified/serviced, perfectly working, with original papers - 117V;

- EMT 997 "Banana" 12 inches arm, N.O.S. in original wooden-box complete with ALL accessories (weights, 2 x arm-rests and papers) - EMT "diamond" mount for TSD15 cartridge - five bare-wires original;

- Ortofon RMG-309i 12 inches arm, original box and papers w/8N Ortofon blue cable;

- IVIE IE-30 Real Time Analyzer, complete in original briefcase, with class A microphone and ALL accessories, a brand-new set of genuine spare IVIE's batteries and Ivie IE-20 Pink and White noise-generator - both with original 117/220V power supplies/batteries chargers - top conditions and not comparable with any other shitty computer analyzer - the one! ;

- Bang & Olufsen CD-5500 design-friendly CD-player, Philips TDA-1541 DAC, superbly sounding;

- Radford HD-250 integrated amplifier, made in England, Partridge transformer, serviced and fully working; 

- BEYER TR/BV 351015006 MC transformer in Hammond alu box - nicely matching and sounding with EMT TSD-15 and, most of all, with Denon DL-103; 

- custom-made cartridges display/holder, dust-proof, made in plexiglas: black base and see-through clear plexiglas cover, good for 6 cartridges and headshells - elegant and useful for carts collectors - two available;  

- Nagra IV-S with QGB large-spools motor, alu flight-case, Power-supplies and accessories, cables, original Nagra's NAB and cine adapters, etc. - museum quality, perfect sounding/recording;

- 2006 vintage Thomas Schick 12" arm.

... also more goodies available - mostly speakers, all in top conditions - ( i.e. '50s Westrex 2080-A 15" woofers 16 ohm/Philips 9710 Alnico/RCA MI-9584 1,5" drivers 15 ohm + original metal theatre horns adapters/Emilar 1" 8 ohm drivers/420A Biflex 15" 8 ohm/JBL 2420 1" - high-drivers and original "sound-barrier" horn - 16 ohm/Isophon 22 cm Alnico/original N.O.S. Saba "green" mids and highs pairs and several baffles for wide-band and bass-enclosures for 15" woofers)... if the case, pls drop a line at:


Will send hi-res pixes of any item to anyone interested enough... only be (a little) patient;-)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

MPS' 50th birthday

MPS Records - 50. Label-Jubiläum
50 Jahre Jazzgeschichte –
das Label MPS feiert runden Geburtstag
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Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer und Oscar Peterson - ©MPS-Archiv

MPS Records - 50. Label-Jubiläum


MPS Records Katalog:


Liebe Medienpartner,

50 Jahre Jazzgeschichte – das Label MPS feiert runden Geburtstag - Vielfalt, Mut und Qualität: Das sind die Markenzeichen, mit denen MPS – die Musik Produktion Schwarzwald - als Deutschlands erstes Jazz-Label mit seinem Gründer Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer Weltruhm erlangten. Am 1. April 2018 steht nun ein runder Geburtstag an: Das Gütesiegel in Sachen hochwertiger Jazz-Sound feiert seinen Fünfzigsten.
Oscar Peterson - ©MPS-Archiv
2014 schließlich, zehn Jahre nach dem Tod von Brunner-Schwer, findet der Katalog eine neue Heimat bei der Edel AG und schreibt seine Geschichte in zweifacher Weise fort. Die unermesslichen Schätze des Labelkatalogs werden Schritt für Schritt neu zugänglich gemacht, mit einer Digitalisierung aller Alben und einer Wiederveröffentlichung ausgesuchter Titel auf Vinyl und Tonband in höchster Klangtreue, etwa Einspielungen von Oscar Peterson, George Duke oder Monty Alexander. Parallel hierzu eröffnet das Label nach 30 Jahren Pause ein weiteres Kapitel von Neuveröffentlichungen. Das breite stilistische Spektrum umfasst hier bereits u.a. Aufnahmen von Klarinettenlegende Rolf Kühn, Soulstress China Moses, Berlins Jazzwunder Lisa Bassenge, dem brasilianischen Mandolinisten Hamilton de Hollandaund Weltmusikstar Mari Boine. Für sein spannendes, etikettenfreies Repertoire konnte MPS bereits 3 ECHO-Auszeichnungen gewinnen. 2018 wird die Release-Renaissance mit illustren Namen und Produktionen fortgesetzt: Rolf Kühn ist dafür genauso ins Studio gegangen wie die charismatische Jazzsängerin Malia und der experimentelle Vokalist und Arrangeur Erik Leuthäuser. Eine Brücke von der Jetztzeit zurück zu MPS-Meilensteinen wird ab April die „Ambassador“-Serie schlagen. Prominente von Gilles Peterson und Ed Motta bis zu Till Brönner und Götz Alsmann präsentieren dann nämlich mit ganz persönlichen Liner Notes ihre Lieblings-Alben aus dem Schwarzwälder Katalog, selbstverständlich als Neupressungen. 
Mekka für Oscar PetersonGeorge Duke, die Singers Unlimited und jede Menge junger europäischer Entdeckungen: Die MPS-Studios in Villingen schrieben dank hochwertiger Aufnahmetechnik und unverwechselbarer Ästhetik zwei Jahrzehnte lang pionierhaft Jazzgeschichte. Bis heute sorgt der „most perfect sound made in the Black Forest“ für leuchtende Ohren bei Analog-Fans weltweit. Ein kleiner historischer Abriss. weiter lesen

Den kompletten Pressetext und Bilder finden Sie unter:
PRESS-INFO: MPS Records 50. Jubiläum

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Viele Grüße
      Hanns-Christian Gerth

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Hanns-Christian Gerth, +49 (0)40.88 172 88-5,
Steffen Mayer, +49 (0)40.88 172 88-6,

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Frank Zappa's wisdom

... agree...

... some musical suggestions...


Elektronische Musik Aus: Koeln "Emak (3LP Box)"
3LP Box

**Remastered from the original tapes. Limited edition of 300 ** These three legendary LPs (in their original covers) of electronic music from Cologne were released 1982 - 1985. The Emak project, founded by Matthias Becker, was influenced by German ex  . . . .Read more »


CHRISTIAN ZANESI "Grand Bruit/Stop ! l'horizon (Lp)"
Recollection GRM

**in process of stocking** Christian Zanési on Grand Bruit (1991): "The great mobile sound bodies have an ordinary yet amazing ability to place the listener-traveler within, as if he or she was inside a giant double bass, in this case a tra  . . . .Read more »


FRANCOIS BAYLE "Tremblements... (Lp)"
Recollection GRM

**in process of stocking** François Bayle on Tremblement de terre très doux (1978); first performance on March 19, 1979 at the Grand Auditorium of Radio-France, Ina-GRM's Cycle Acousmatique: "The familiar generates the strange. These  . . . .Read more »


ANDREW CHALK "The River that Flows into the Sands (Lp)"

**Entirely handmade art edition, heavyweight card sleeve with tipped-on images, every copy features unique and original monotype artwork-printed by hand, no two copies are alike. 180 gramme clear vinyl with full-colour labels** The strikingly radiant  . . . .Read more »


VASILISK "Tribal Zone (lp)"

LP reissue of the latest Vasilisk album. Vasilisk’s inception dates back thirty years to 1987 as a result of the demise of the pioneering noise group, White Hospital.  After a number of inactive years, their seven-track Tribal Zone album w  . . . .Read more »


V.A."Cold Waves Of Color"
Color Tapes

A dead faithful go-to for vintage wave compilations in recent years, Color Tapes’ Cold Waves Of Color Volume 5 extends the cherry-picked selections of minimal and new wave with 11 more aces from the likes of Beserk In A Hayfield, M  . . . .Read more »


Tiger Bay

“Freq” is a 1985 album by from the Hawkwind member, famed poet, author and lyricist Robert Calvert. Recorded in 1984 at the Computer Music Studio in London during the UK miners’ strike, “Freq” is a concept album which   . . . .Read more »


David Toop-Max Eastley-Paul Burwell-Steve Beresford "Whirled Music (Lp)"

Black Truffle present a reissue of a landmark UK release, Max Eastley, Steve Beresford, Paul Burwell, and David Toop's Whirled Music, originally released on Quartz in 1980. Remastered and cut at 45RPM by Rashad Becker at Dubplates & Mastering Ber  . . . .Read more »


David Rosenboom-Jacqueline Humbert "J. Jasmine: My New Music (LP)"

Privately pressed to LP in 1978 under the name J. Jasmine and made especially for the Ann Arbor Film Festival, with artistic collaboration from the festival’s founder and Once Group artist, George Manupelli, My New Music is the debut album b  . . . .Read more »


Robert Haigh "Creatures of the Deep (LP)"

A new album of piano driven ambient music from British composer Robert Haigh. Following in the path of his albums for the Japanese Siren label, Creatures of the Deep is an underground vantage of a meeting between the musical worlds of Harold Budd a  . . . .Read more »


Kevin Drumm "Inexplicable Hours (2 Lp + CD)"
LPx2 (+ CD)

Inexplicable Hours is the sequel of the successful Kevin Drumm 6CD box 'Elapsed Time' also released by Sonoris last year. The first record documents a new direction in his music, with some of his last electroacoustic experimentations with  . . . .Read more »


Rene Bertholo "Um Argentino No Deserto (LP)"

**Available in vinyl for the first time, edition of 200** René Bertholo Alhandra (1935-2005) was mainly know as sculptor and visual artist, and his musical work, though including classical composition, largely focused on a digital modular sequ  . . . .Read more »


Armando Santiago "Musica Intuitiva (LP)"

**Available in vinyl for the first time, edition of 200** Born in Lisbon (1932), Armando Santiago studied singing, piano and cello at the National Conservatory of Lisbon. In Italy he studied conducting with Hans Münch and Franco Ferrara, and in   . . . .Read more »


Filipe Pires "Canto Ecuménico (LP)"

**Available in vinyl for the first time, edition of 200** Composed at the Ina GRM - the two B-side pieces, both in 1972 - & at his own ?Private? studio in Porto - the A-side, 1979 - this trilogy of Musique Concr�te pieces by the Portugese compos  . . . .Read more »


The Guerrilla Art Action Group "Action-Interview At WBAI Radio Station-N.Y. (Lp)"

Primary Informatio is happy to announce the reissue of the LP by The Guerrilla Art Action Group titled Action-Interview at WBAI Radio Station-N.Y, orginally released by the legendary Radiotaxi imprint, and now impossible to obtain. The recording docu  . . . .Read more »


Henning Christiansen "Satie i høj sø (LP)"
Institut for Dansk Lydarkæologi 

Restocked, last copies...The most enigmatic and rare of Danish artist and composer Henning Christiansen’s albums Satie i høj sø is now re-issued by Institute for Danish Sound Archeology and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskil  . . . .Read more »


Randall McClellan "The Healing Music Of Rana Vol. II (Lp)"

Exceptional recordings by Randall McClellan, a founding member of the electronic music studio at the Eastman School of Music in 1967 where he later received a Ph.D. in Composition, Theory and Musicology. A growing interest in esoteri  . . . .Read more »


God Records

The Vinyl Coda project returns to God Records for the second chapter of the Philip Jeck masterwork, originally released in the late 90s and now freshly re-mastered for this LP re-release. Philip Jeck revolutionised the world of experimental music wit  . . . .Read more »


IANNIS XENAKIS "Persepolis (LP)"

One of the milestones of electroacoustic music: Iannis Xenakis’ mindblowing 54-minutes oeuvre “Persepolis”, mixed from the original 8 track tapes by Martin Wurmnest“Persepolis” is the longest electroacoustic composition   . . . .Read more »


Jean-Jacques Perrey "Prélude Au Sommeil (LP)"
Fantome Phonographique

Fantome Phonographique present a reissue of Jean-Jacques Perrey's Prélude Au Sommeil, originally released in 1958. Jean-Jacques Perrey was one of the earliest innovators in electronic music, creating a body of work spanning decades that has  . . . .Read more »


Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan "Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan (LP)"
Fantome Phonographique

Fantome Phonographique present a reissue of Ustad Abdul Wahid Khan's self-titled release, originally released on Columbia in 1966. Even though the original recordings are crackly and in low fidelity (but also deeply charming) it seemed necessary t  . . . .Read more »


Maya Deren "Voices Of Haiti (LP)"
Fantome Phonographique

Fantome Phonographique present a reissue of Maya Deren's Voices Of Haiti, originally released as a 10" record in 1954. Maya Deren (1917-1961) was a Russian-American filmmaker and one of the most important voices in avant-garde cinema of the mid-20  . . . .Read more »


David Toop-Paul Burwell "Suttle Sculpture (Lp)"

Never before released recordings from Logos Foundation live sessions with David Toop and Paul Burwell in Brussels, on May 7, 1977. David Toop on the recordings: "When Paul Burwell and I started playing together just after Christmas, 1969, we found   . . . .Read more »


The Nazgûl "The Nazgul (Lp)"
Mental Experience

Lost-in-time kosmische/kraut/avant-garde artifact produced by Toby Robinson, aka The Mad Twiddler, circa 1975 for his private Pyramid label.  From the moment they emerged during the mid 90’s, mystery has swirled around Psi-Fi’s six K  . . . .Read more »


Arnold DREYBLATT "Nodal Excitation (Lp)"

2018 small repress. "By the late '80s most of the burgeoning minimal underground had been forgotten, especially one amazing character, Arnold Dreyblatt. Dreyblatt only had one record, Nodal Excitation (on the mostly post-AACM jazz label Ind  . . . .Read more »


Kuniyuki Takahashi "Early Tape Works (1986 - 1993) Vol. 1 (Lp)"

Since their first release in 2013, the Amsterdam based imprint, Music From Memory, has rapidly emerged as force in the musical landscape, dissolving long standing conceptions of genre and history, with a startlingly catalog of reissues, compilations,  . . . .Read more »


AMON DUUL II "Phallus Dei (LP)"

Amon Düül's 1969 debut-LP 'Psychedelic Underground', here reissued on vinyl, is music at its most experimental and relentlessly uncommercial, using late '60s influences as a launching ground for what would become known as Krautrock. Taken f  . . . .Read more »


Klaus Schulze "La Vie Electronique Volume 1.0 (2 LP white vinyl)"
One Way Static Records

*300 copies white vinyl, sold-out at sorce* Klaus Schulze is a German electronic music pioneer, composer and musician that needs very little introduction. In the late sixties & early seventies he was a member of several iconic bands such as &lsqu  . . . .Read more »


Klaus Schulze "Irrlicht (2017 Remastered) LP"

Irrlicht is the solo debut album from Klaus Schulze (originally released in 1972) and is an absolute masterpiece in cosmic, space music. Schulze omitted the use of synthetics for this recording, relying on organ with various electronic effects to   . . . .Read more »


Klaus Schulze "Cyborg (2017 Remastered) 2 LP"

From the early days of electronic experimentation in the pop field, Klaus Schulze's second solo album still today it stands as one of the most powerful examples of ambient pulse music ever conceived. The dense layers of rhythm and synthetic tone colo  . . . .Read more »


Vita Nova "Vita Nova (Lp)"
Garden Of Delights

On the top of the list of Kraut uderground artifacts, a definite oddity plenty of abstract execution of psychedelic soundscapes, dark Classical textures and Jazz/Fusion, as cohesion is completely absent, however there is a certain charm coming out of  . . . .Read more »


Panko Musik "Weil Es So Schön Perlt (Cd)"
Garden Of Delights

Panko Musik from West Berlin are somewhat reminiscent of Xhol Caravan or the early Embryo. They mostly presented long jazzy instrumental passages dominated by the transverse flute and alto saxophone, temporarily interrupted by mainly English vocals a  . . . .Read more »


Aksak Maboul "Un peu de l'âme des bandits (Lp)"

**Reissue of killer album from 1980 - the album's first reissue on vinyl** Originally released in January 1980, the second album from (Crammed founder) Marc Hollander’s band was more intense and experimental than Aksak Maboul’s debut a  . . . .Read more »


Lasry-Baschet "Les Nouvelles Structures Sonores (7")"
7" ep

As a truly indispensable bookend to any listeners with the slightest interest in experimental music, French culture or the foundations of mechanical songwriting this inaugural release by these Parisian musical revolutionaries not only predicts the  . . . .Read more »


VARIOUS ARTISTS "Slowscan vol 40 (7x7" Box)"
7x7" BOX

Last copies, regular edition, numbered to 97 + 3 AP copies in a woodenbox (20X20X3 cm) with 7"" records only (NO catalog and NO tapes). It contains 7 x 7" Eps by Albert M Fine, George Brecht, Joe Jones, Charles Amirkhanian, Ken Friedman, Adriano Spat  . . . .Read more »


Limpe FUCHS "String Stone Weight (Lp) "
Ana Ott

Limpe Fuchs is a bit of legend in regards to experimental music making. Back in 1971, bare-chested and fancy-free, she and then husband Paul paraded this initiative approach to sound-making up and down Europe as Anima. At the beginning of the 1970s,   . . . .Read more »