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Monday, October 7, 2013

The great Bulgarian folk singer Valya Balkanska's folk song „Излел е Дельо хайдутин” as sent to outer space (introducing Voyager's Golden Record)

Listened today for the first time the great Bulgarian folk singer Valya Balkanska whose song "Izlel je Delyo Hajdutin" („Излел е Дельо хайдутин”) in her famous, historic performance was included in the Voyager's Golden Record, a compilation of Earth music launched in Space in 1977.

    Valya Balkanska and gajda Toronto concert mar2011

Her singing was accompanied by Gaida (гайда - bagpipe made of sheepskin or goatskin) is a traditional musical instrument in Bulgaria, as well as many cultures in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (the Scottish pagpipe being the most well-known in the Western world). When you add a female voice to the gaida - the result is so powerful!

Beloved Wendy Carlos recorded a seminal rendition of this song who she titled "A Woman's Song" in her "Beauty in the Beast" disc... a record which - in its sought-after vinyl incarnation - is with me since it was issued, decades ago and it's in my Desert Island list. 

This is the Golden Record... the ultimate collector's item?

Jokes apart, it's seldom heard, evocative and haunting music. 

A statement of humankind... 

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