Ivan Kursar and his Cool Gales Hi-End shop, both in brick and Web-formats, are as seldom seen as an unicorn, as he passionately runs an audio salon devoted to usual hi-fi makers and brands, BUT he's also extremely curious about hand-made and bespoke audio, as seen at the recent "Analogue Fest 2011", on last June, in Bath, Cool Gales' home-town.
We met at Berlin and Munchen tastings, years ago, and shared (well... we still do;-)) with common friends - Thomas Schick, Thomas Mayer, Michael Ulbrich, Bernd Uecker, Frank Schroeder, Dietmar Hampel, Hartmut Quaschik, Peter Sikking, David Shrieve, David Haigner, Norbert Wokusch, Christopher Kolle, Christian Bayer - truly GREAT moments: those sooo nice, pleasant chattings and dinners and full-immersion in audio and music for days...
Mr. Kursar - worthwhile pointing it out again - keeps an eye to industry/mainstream goodies and another to bespoke, artisanal handicrafts - i.e. Thomas Schick's, Thomas Mayer's stuffs from Germany and other UK-based workshops - a truly rare approach and attitude, much welcome, these so flawed days.
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