Do you know how did it cost to produce a record which is still - for yours truly and many, many, many others around the world - among the first 10 albums of all times?
£ 100 (onehundred pounds)...
Bert visited every week or so, when he had a song or two ready to record, Bill Leader's house and, on a humble, yet reasonably good and musical, tube Revox G-36 open-reel recorder, using a single stereo AKG C-24 microphone in Bill's dining-room.
The visits and recording took a whole year and the sessions costed to Transatlantic the a.m. sum: £ 100... it was 1965, in London and Pounds were heavier, that days, nonetheless...
Just considering if some recent multi-million sessions/productions be worth 1/100th of the merits and value of Bert's first... don't you?!?
Someone else was also clever... John Martyn's first, the Mono "London Conversation" on Island - BTW, the very first Island records label issue - costed an "hideous" £ 158 to record and produce...
It's because both Bert and John are Scots?!??;-)
Or - better said - art is, as it often happens, non money-related?
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