As I had already saw in a previous life, it happened... few evenings ago, I arrived at 9,30 at my new music room, opened the huge wooden door and entered in the atrium, ready to reach my studio and... my neighbor, the teacher living at the floor over my head, was there, smoking a fag, in the dark, wearing a gym suit and chatting at the mobile...
I only met her once and very quickly... "Hello!"... "Hello!"... that very evening I took my time to more carefully observe and consider her, the person with whom - unwillingly - I share my music with since a couple of months ago...
After shutting off her mobile, she said "Hello" and I replied, adding a short comment about the upcoming soccer World Cup tournement and people involvement at every level...
This few words after my hello, began a conversation which lasted about one hour... her teaching job, the students, my job... my music... MY MUSIC!!!
... as I worried about this, yes, she was definitely listening to my music playlists... immediately felt me naked, painfully nude, in front of her... does her understood it?
Can't say, but she told me something strange... "I turned off my TV-set audio to better listen to what kind of music you were listening for"...
Holy Ears... she wanted to BETTER understand, too!!!
She asked for the name of "a sad voice" she heard (Meredith Monk's Book of Days) and she told me about the experience of - her in bed - listening to a far, far solo piano (K. Jarrett's La Scala) at, maybe, 2 A.M., few days before... I corrected her, as it was "only" midnight;-)
What I'm saying it's... well, VERY strange and uncommon to me, as she also told me she smelled "some incense" coming from my place... I also corrected her, again, as I'm using a "Lampe Berger" to tame my cigars and pipe smoking habits.
... I'm under control, folks... she observes me, she knows my music and olfattive tastes... I'm trapped;-)
It's something really new to me... my wife knows me so well, as we grew up together, and I do not bother too much in showing myself as I am... but this is more than this.
... after chatting, two more fags for her and half a cigar for me, there, standing in the dim-lighted atrium, as she declined to accept my (innocent) invitation for continuing our conversation in my so near room, we waived "Goodnight" and "See you soon" and I listened to a lute disc - only one side - which, to my surprise, I enjoyed with a someway bitter-sweet feeling.
... maybe the cigar... or the "nudist" experience...
Who knows?
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