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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

… and now for something different: Luigi Russolo’s IntonaRumori 💫


In 1916, Luigi Russolo (1885-1947), a painter and musician, published “L’arte dei rumore.” (The Art of Noise)

Russolo believes that noise in its irregularity is able to recall real life and that it has enormous potential for representation because, where the notes are limited, the noises are infinite. In fact, he theorizes a true musical revolution: he modifies the orchestral composition by inventing instruments capable of reproducing the sounds of everyday life, the so-called “intonarumori”. To represent these sounds, he also introduces a new writing of music that proceeds by lines rather than by notes.

The reflection on noise does not exhaust the complex personality of Luigi Russolo who through the arts proceeds “Beyond matter”: with him, noise becomes the protagonist of the new century.

The above disk I fortuitously found at my local records shop represents a cool follow-up of a century-old musical adventure… and Chris Cutler (Henry Cow, etc.) is also here.

What a disk 💫

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