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Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Jürg Jecklin’s appreciation 💫

Sometimes… often, I regret I didn’t study German 😏

Finally, just over 21 and a half years after the death of Maestro Jürg Jecklin, our book «Augenblicke für di Oren – from the life of Maestro Jürrg Jecklin» has been published.

I had conversations with Jürg in 2020 and 2021. You are the basis of this autobiography in conversation form. An entertaining mix of anecdotes and manual has been created. Jürg was not only an inventive master of sound, but was also the creator of the famous Jecklin disc or the electrostatic FLOAT headphones. After 30 eventful years as a master of sound at the Schweizer Radio, he worked as a university teacher at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Jürg had an unconventional way of approaching problems and maintained an empathetic treatment of students, musicians and musicians.

All participants contributed free of charge to this appreciation of Jürgs Schaffen.

The publication in Switzerland can be ordered, for example, here:

or here:

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