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Tuesday, March 26, 2024



RIP for Koetsu


It's with a very heavy heart, I sadly have to report that Koetsu is no more!

 Having had a conversation with Koetsu's longest standing Distributor in the UK, Absolute Sounds, the simplified story is, that the family don't want the business to continue outwith their hands, and don't want to risk tarnishing the brands reputation and legacy by selling to an outside entity, which is honorable and admirable, in this day in age, too many originally family owned  businesses have drifted from what was originally intended, take Gucci as an example, now a massive corporation with no family members involved, and dare I say long lost their original direction.

 So please savour and cherish your Koetsu's as they are now heirlooms from another era, on a brighter not Absolute Sounds have established an arrangement with a trusted Cartridge repairer/rebuilder who they can send cartridges to for quality work which will be returned with frequency response graphs after thorough testing. 

RIP  Koetsu

Thanks to Mark Charles Stewart for the above…



Tuesday, March 12, 2024

juHrop by Frieder Butzmann - a Klingon opera 💫


Frieder Butzmann
juHrop - Szenen und Arien aus einer Oper in klingonischer Sprache

(2LP Box)


Diamanda Galás is a legend. Frieder Butzmann has been referred to as the "father of German experimental music", yet he is still unknown to the most. Now is the time. A unique amalgamated mixture of lysergic electronica, an aural whirlwind filled with surreal ramblings, tape collages, field recording, phone calls, roaring sounds, chirping cricket orchestras, squealing sound fragments of synthesizers galore. 

Stratospheric music excursions into the vast unexcavated canyons and dungeons of your mind. A colorful, drawn out of weirdness, Space Opera..

The opera “juHrop” was recorded with great effort at the Studio für Komische Musik Berlin and at the studio of Diamanda Galas in New York from 1996 to 2001. It is orchestral music produced with electronic devices and voices of Chinese singer Wu JiangDavid Moss, Diamanda Galas, Udo ScheuerpflugMargarete Huber and the Moabiter Motettenchor. It was broadcasted in full length on “Deutschlandradio Kultur” in 2009.

«The Klingons are martial bullheads. They are known as the warlike people from the planet Thlingan from the TV series Star Trek. But the Klingons also love music and poetry. Their greatest poet was Shakespeare from Earth, who was supposedly one of their own. The Klingon opera “juHrop” (pronounced tschuch-rop, meaning homesickness) plays unrestrainedly with timpani and trumpets on a heroic monumental orchestra, enriched by synthetic Gregorian chants and electronic hi- and lo-fi effects. The story is as bloodthirsty and heartbreaking as its setting. The vocals are Klingon and Chinese.» (Frieder Butzmann)

This is a pentode




Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Nils Lofgren’s Acoustic Live on SACD (Analog Production)


This great sounding disk is a joy for the ears.

Chad Kassem’s label is always up to its fame of serious approach to everything musical: quality, origin of source, etc.

A liner-note clearly states the recording is from a digital 44,1 kHz/16 bit master.

Recording serves music… and Music is awesome: acoustic rock!

A true underrated gem 🥇

Let’s beware 😵‍💫


Thanks to Robert Crumb 💫

Hugo Pratt & Charles Bukowski


"He could touch me in a million ways... He decided to do it in the most beautiful way, he touched my mind..."

Have fun 😏


Sunday, March 3, 2024

TDSOTM signed by PF 💫


Thanks to Stefano Amerio for sharing this gem 💫

A CDs wall 🎼


Eric Schoenberg & David Laibman - Ragtime Guitars


A true life-changing disc, indeed 🥇

I also collected the UK reissue, but look at the weird cover: what’s the matter with the b/w chimpanzee and ragtime guitars?!?

I also got an exceedingly rare Japanese disk.


Fyne SuperTrax


Fyne Audio New SuperTrax


Saturday, March 2, 2024

ECM’s news…


I’m waiting for this:

On vinyl, at last 💫🥇💫