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Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Grand Wazoo is 51 years old today


The missing link - ReVox A-60


First and only images of the "legend" Revox A 60, the predecessor of the Revox A 77!!!

Never seen before and never been built like this. At the time, the development and production of the Studer A 62, Studer's first transisorized belt machine, was used. The developer is Paul Zwicky...

Telefunken advertising


How things were done…

A Telefunken T9 in foreground, in a separate room from mixing- desk.


Sunday, November 26, 2023

My luthier is different…


… as he (Roberto Lanaro) takes pictures of me when I bring him a guitar for minor-work/set-up - i.e. installing an amazing hand-made (by himself) transducer inside the Lowden O10-C


MCI JH110B/14 on a Sunday morning 🎼


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving


“Shrink… I wanna…”

Peace on Earth 🍀


Seriously: happy Thanksgiving to all American friends 🥂

Most ancient records-shop in the world


Spillers Records in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Founded in 1894 as a supplier of gramophones and wax cylinders, Spillers has been selling music for almost 120 years. 

It's the world's oldest record store, a feat of longevity listed in the Guinness Book of Records and celebrated by no small number of devoted customers who have come to browse the shelves here.


Columbia records iconic covers 🥇


Jazz (and classical) album cover arts by Japanese/American graphic designer Sadamitsu Neil Fujita. 

He was the head-designer for Columbia Records.

A truly gifted artist for those iconic albums 🥇

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Squirrel 🐿️


I quite often suspect my DNA contains some squirrel genes.

… as a squirrel does with nuts and seeds stocked for wintertime, I buy incessantly discs, tapes, CDs and cassettes and I order them on shelves almost without listening to all the goodies.

I realized it yesterday afternoon when I handled an IKEA’s box full of mostly unplayed nice discs, the result of a few months of chasing around: classical, jazz, Krautrock, rock, folk…


… and masterdubs, also mostly unplayed 😏

I began browsing with a sense of surprise - i.e. - did I really bought all these? - or - I didn’t remember this one…

First record I played on Garrardzilla was P.J. Harvey’s and, also if I listened to her last one on Spotify, listening on Gotorama was a (positive) shock: how can I be so lazy to listen to this gorgeous music months after purchase?

… then, squirrel attitude (or should I say: syndrome?) took over and, well justified my Oblomovism: the cute rodent stocks his nuts not because it’s hungry, but because it knows it will become so during wintertime.

So am I: I buy nice music because I like doing so and I know I’ll immensely enjoy listening to new discs and tapes and CDs and cassettes I’ll find at my place like the best personal-shopper in the world invisibly brought to me.

What an ass-hole I am 😂😉😇😎😏

That’s how my flawed mind works…

Same as you leave a fine Amarone in the cellar for awhile, I enjoy my music so deeply and in spades when the right time comes.

So, after PJ I enjoyed Jimmy Giuffre and Jim Hall, Leos Janacek piano music, some harpsichord… and, like an omnivorous music-junkie, I ended a quite pleasant afternoon with… Lee Ritenour 🥇

… I’d never guess a 🐿️  would like Lee Ritenour 😉

… and the winter is sooo long and dark without nuts… aehm: music to heal the soul ✅

W la cicala


Monday, November 13, 2023

A gorgeous Neumann VMS-70 disk-mastering lathe for sale


From Jesus Agnew/Agnew Analog:

Neumann VMS70 disk mastering lathe up for sale, with a Neumann SX74 cutter head, Neumann SAL74B cutting amplifier rack, Neumann SP272 transfer console (complete with iconic Neumann ashtray), Dolby A units (Model 360), cutting DDL and a few other extras. 

Lyrec motor, original Neumann pitch/depth automation system.

Fully functional, can be seen in action. I have personally worked on this machine at Agnew Analog. Training on its use and maintenance can be provided, if required.

Available immediately. Reasonable price. International shipping is no problem. Crating is possible. Currently located in Greece, Europe. Assistance with setting up at your premises can be provided, if required, anywhere in the world. 

This is a complete system, ready to cut. Configured for 230 VAC/50 Hz, but can be reconfigured for 115 VAC/60 Hz if required.

Please contact us by email for further information: info at agnewanalog dot com

I wish I had room enough in my tiny studietto 😏