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Friday, April 14, 2023

Claudio Banelli - Seahorse (2023)


Just got this CD recorded in marvelous ADD from my friend Claudio Banelli, a young yet talented musician from the Udine province, living in a small village in the mountains in his grand-grandparents old stone house where he also recorded and produced the recording.

I knew Claudio some years ago so I appreciated his growing up as a musician and a singer: his musical heroes are sometimes ghosting here and there (Nick Drake, David Crosby) but his very own voice is sincere and unique.

He recorded this music in the old stone house using vintage Neumann and AKG mikes and minimalist, no frills producing and the result is awesome: sometimes you seems to recognize sounds, atmosphere and music… it’s not copy-catting, it’s music traveling straight to your heart… this music is fresh, sincere, intimate and poetic.

Something which doesn’t often happens.

I wish Claudio the best he deserves. 🍀

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