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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Thuono Audio - a new cat’s in town


I had the pleasure to attend at the opening (I was the first visitor/guest) of an audio atelier devoted to analog in Thiene, a small, lovely and busy town 20 north of Vicenza.

The company, a three members team, is handled by Gino Bonollo, his daughter Eleonora and Mattia Rigon.

After several years of R&D and decades of passion and love for music, some truly outstanding turntables are available to the discerning enthusiasts; the level of building quality is seldom seen and the prices are - sincerely - über-honest!

The turntable is offered in three models, all sharing the magnetically suspended chassis: platters are 300, 350 and 400 mm ø and list price will surprise everybody.

The bespoke four ways, multi-amped reference speakers.

A 12” and 13” arm is also offered and the combo’s sound is clear, detailed and natural.

Please get in touch with Thuono Audio if  - as I did - you’ll fall in love with the elegance and class of these turntables.

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