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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Misho Myronov/Yanislav Yankov’s new Patent


We went to the National Patent Bureau yesterday, and finally have got an officially issued printed copies of patent (well, it was issued on a paper almost a year ago, and more than year ago in an electronic form) but the whole situation was not really welcoming for traveling).

Congratulation to us :)

PS: Since it's not always easy to understand - the patented principle is to use transformer in a serial crossover as both - inductance in a LF section of the crossover, and lossless attenuator of HF section.

From Misho’s words:

“So, we can do very simple while providing with versality (see one of the pics), use loseless attenuation (I hate losses in a resistive dividers or attenuators), providing with the DC decoupling in a first order serial crossover, etc.

And simplicity. I love simplicity.

One more thing. The middle point of the crossover should have ONLY LF signal, so the transformer will see on its primary Full freq. range signal at the top end, and LF signal at the lower end. So, HF range across the primary. So, this is why we MUST use a C (capacitor) in this type of crossover.”

Me too, Misho!

Congratulations to Yanislav and you 🥂🥂🥂

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