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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

GEC A1834


The very best non-directly heated double triode on the planet?

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Tubo Cochleato


RIP for Tony Rice


Beside not being myself a flat-picker guitar player, Tony Rice (and Norman Blake) always intrigued me... Tony was a maven and his ex-Clarence White ‘35 enlarged soundhole D28 represented a musical Zenith in bluegrass, Dawg and NAM!

My deepest condolences to his wife Pam and daughter India for their loss ❤️🌸❤️

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Disc of the Month


... not my fault this disc dates back to... 1965! 😇

Thanking my pal Frank 🥂

Monday, December 21, 2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sad news: TdP passed away!


I’m devastated, folks... Baron Tim de Paravicini, the Godfather of audio and true lighthouse for yours truly and many many others, passed away yesterday in Kyushu, Japan.

He was fighting cancer like a warrior, remaining curious and witty ‘til the last breath.

I’m really sad and am not able to express the pani I feel...

It was such an honor spending some hours in his company, enjoying his conversation... and enriching experience.

His broad knowledge will be a treasure for the world and the many who know and appreciated him.

I’ll miss him dearly...

My deepest, sincere condololences to his bloved wife Mrs. Oliva Yoshino, and to his sons and family.


Studer C37 is back 🥇🥇🥇


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Christmas Yard Sale 2020


Mostly showing on-consignment goodies - i.e. the property of dear friends of mine, downsizing their super audio systems - for this pandemic yard-sale edition:

Philips AX5 stereo tube tuner

A one of a kind Technics SP10 mk2 in bespoke plinth and PSU, ready for SME 12” (SME312 shown isn’t included)

a wonderful and unique realization of full-range loudspeakers with rare 9 "single-track Alnico field coils handmade by Oleg Rullit, as well as the leather upholstery, Whizzer Cone and even the super light membrane. Each speaker made by Rullit is a unique piece, like all his production (each couple is different from the other).
Cabinet design made by Rullit, top execution with black mirror lacquer; furniture, engineering of the whole and super power supply with components of the highest level performed by Climenaudio, full description here:
Made on December 2019, played very little, really still new, absolute purity, musicality, transparency, speed.

Thoress F2A11

with great reluctance for sale an immaculate specimen of the THÖRESS F2a11 Single-Ended Triode Integrated Amplifier MkI. The device has been kept in an absolutely maniacal way, is complete with original packaging, manual etc and has played very little. The web reviews speak of this object in an absolutely sublime way in its ability to deliver music in a natural and refined way ... and indeed it is.

"Extreme" amp for SATYA headphones: E55L Mono valve + Audeze LCD-3 headphones
Made with very high transconductance triode and Custom Clinamen output transformer with Vacoperm core Valves: 1 x EZ81 / 6CA4
Single valve circuit ty
p. 2 x E55L Custom Clinamen 1: 2 translating input transformer with Vacoperm core
at clipping (medium high) -> 800 mWatt RMS Input sensitivity for 500
Output power with distortion below the 1% threshold -> 500 mWatt rms Output power
mWatt rms power -> 900mVolt rms Selectable output impedance, via external switch on 32 or 128 ohm 3 RCA inputs selectable by rotary switch
nductive filtering with independent
Bandwidth at -1 dB: 16 Hz -> 67 KHz zero feedback Filaments fed continuously with independent power supplies Valve straightening with EZ81 I LC decoupling for each stage
weight: 12 Kg HEADSET AUDEZE https://www.audez
Cork dampened polypropylene anodic capacitors Output Noise: 0.20mVrms Absorbed electrical power: 37 Watts Dimensions (including front knobs): L: 50cm D: 28cm H: 20cm

FEASTREX VIVACE 5 "- The Vivace loudspeakers use a particular version of the 5-inch electro-excited Feastrex 5ex driver called CW loaded in a tuned chamber cabinet. The efficiency of over 95 db makes them particularly suitable to be combined with refined monotriodes or small solid-state amplifiers of a few watts. The sound has electrostatic transparency, richness of detail and extension that makes the use of additional tweeters and subwoofers completely superfluous. Unsurpassed tone and harmonic richness. For true music lovers with a capital M. ! The speakers work with a very high quality Feastrex external-power supply, supplied with the speakers.

Please email to stefanocello-AT-gmail-DOT-com