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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Covid-19: urgent help needed!

... not for yours truly, folks...

My wife and myself are OK, stuck at home, as all my family and neighbors and all towns and cities in Italy, my country... and many, many countries, worldwide.

... yes, we have food and toilet-paper. too... 

... but, I need your support...

€ 1, $ 1... small money, but please donate to my Paypal 's account as found on my Blog - i.e. - the °donate° push-button under header... I repeat - I DON'T NEED MONEY - yet, I strongly, sincerely wish to support my hometown - Vicenza, Italy - Ospedale Civile and sure I'll add my donation, too!

You know me: I'm a romantic, serious, trusty, straight man.

Every cent I'll get, I'll 100% put through to the hospital bank account, with the help of trusty medical personnel; masks and suits, infection control swabs, respirators for intensive care units, prescriptions are urgently needed in massive quantities... the hospital in my town is a truly good one, but the situation could easily go out of control and I feel the necessity to spread the word among you, my readers.

While I apologize for so unpolitely asking for money... well, it's time to act!

Thanks everybody and stay safe and healthy, too.

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