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Monday, October 22, 2018


There is a so subtle pleasure in listening to Miles' Bitches Brew on Tandberg 9200-XD through the old trusty Tandberg 114-116-8 speakers...

The overall sound makes music so enjoyable and no brainer, like when a younger me was, simply and plainly, enjoying music at the radio and later on the first audio system.

At the time I was only a music lover, not an audiophile... so curious and hungry of new music...

The 9,5 cm/s Bitches Brew flows better than any Blue Ray disk I'm aware of... strange enough, it's not a matter of frequency range and distortion percentage, but it concerns music: the musical intensity is almost painful, intense, the sound isn't more important than music.

My limited vocabulary makes me sadly not able to better describe the sense of complete aural-confortnest... when Miles with his unique gravely voice sweetly call for "John" (McLaughlin)'s guitar its an epiphany: it seems the mix to be different from vinyl or CD, as the balance is so intellegible and communicative!

It's organic.

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