From David, an Australian friend... a great, GREAT job of cleverly deadening job underside a 301's chassis.
... when one pix tells more than one hundred words...
Bravo, David... and thanks for sharing!
This is Stefano Bertoncello's Blog (ステファノ・ベルトンチェッロ - トゥーグッドイアーズ − ブロガー、オーディオ&ミュージック・コンサルタント) devoted to pacific topics like Music - live and reproduced - i.e. discs, audio, guitars - both vintage and new, concerts, workshops, and related stuffs. Furthermore: travelling - as a mind-game and real globetrotting, and books, movies, photography... sharing all the above et al. and related links... and to anything makes Life better and Earth a better place to stay, enjoying Life, in Peace.
So, what is that stuff?
Mostly carbon fiber and automotive deadening...
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