Yes, folks... yesterday evening I was like "possessed" by the spirit of Trane and Bird;-)
I arrived at The Room after dinner and, at last, in (almost) full Gotorama glory, I strongly felt the "need" for some sex... aehm, mean sax;-)
I began with a seldom heard John Surman "The road to St. Ives", followed by the fantastic, sadly unfamous "Journal Violone II" by Barre Philips (always with Surman), and "Thimar" by Anouar Brahem, with Dave Holland and John Surman... than needed more classic sax sounds...
... so, I got a sip of Steve Lacy's "Paris Blues" on Owl (WOWOWOWOW...) and finished the evening with another Owl wax, a Lee Koonitz and Michel Petrucciani's masterpiece titled "Toot Sweet"... the Owl recording sure has its BIG merits, but the sadness of thinking about how great was, IS, Petrucciani... how I miss him and his music!
This very disc sure represented the zenith of an extremely various, yet very sax-oriented musical evening.
It's almost amusing thinking in what conditions I (musically) lived for a couple of months, without my beloved Gotorama system... also one vinyl side makes me NOW content, but, like happened few hours ago, a three hours long listening session is light as a feather, it's like fresh air, unfatiguing, entertaining, pleasant, deeply satisfying.
A miracle... like music is... then I walked homebound in the fresh evening air - whistling "Goodbye, Pork-Pie Hat" theme - and the stars were bright;-)
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