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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Miles' Rubberband posthumous disc out on next Sept. 2019

A lost Miles Davis album named Rubberband is set to be released in September. The LP was recorded in 1985 in Los Angeles’ Ameraycan Studios and produced by Randy Hall and Zane Giles.
miles davis rubberband lost album

After 30 years, Rhino Records will be releasing the lost album Miles Davis album Rubberband to the public.

The album was put on hold when Davis went on to record Tutu. However, after 30 years Rhino Records will be releasing the lost album to the public for the very first time.
The LP has been completed by the original producers Hall and Giles along with Davis’ nephew, who played drums on the original recording sessions for the album. The work is set to be released September 6th – mark it in the calendars and check out the tracklist below.
It will be a 2-discs set.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The fire of 2008 - a disaster for music and movie industries!

It happened in 2008... a disaster for music and movie industries...

The archive in Building 6197 was UMG’s main West Coast storehouse of masters, the original recordings from which all subsequent copies are derived. A master is a one-of-a-kind artifact, the irreplaceable primary source of a piece of recorded music. According to UMG documents, the vault held analog tape masters dating back as far as the late 1940s, as well as digital masters of more recent vintage. It held multitrack recordings, the raw recorded materials — each part still isolated, the drums and keyboards and strings on separate but adjacent areas of tape — from which mixed or “flat” analog masters are usually assembled. And it held session masters, recordings that were never commercially released.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Western Electric 2A turntable

A marvelous vintage turntable built decades ago in the USA... brought to its shiny beauty with passion and untiring care and attention to details...

Love the console...

What an inspiration for a new turntable...
