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Sunday, December 30, 2018

R.I.P. for Blandine Verlet

Sad news from France... a beloved artist I followed for many, many years reportedly passed away in Paris yesterday.

After Gustav Leonhardt passing away, another magnificent harpsichordist...

Her several recordings on Philips and Astree brought happiness to the world and yours truly with a music of ultra-terrestrial beauty and perfection, played on awesome historic instruments kept alive and preserved from dust and museums vaults.

This cover gives to me goose-bumps... bon voyage, Blandine...


Sunday, December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas

From a proudly atheist me: I wish everyone peace, health and wealth... have the very best enjoying every single moment of joy, think positive and love, love, love... life, music, women, traveling, people.

Love everyone!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

More Christmas' sale: Hiraga Classe A 20W power amp(s) - on consignment

Selling on behalf of a (late) pal family, one pair (2) original, stock, unmodified, pristinely kept Hiraga 20W power amps.

Two available. Both truly perfect, ready to sing.

Not a scratch or a dent, gorgeously sounding, they were my own before I gave to my friend who used them lovingly while I got the 30W Le Classè A for my multiamped system.

Please note: 220V only.

If interested, please drop a line to yours truly at stefanocello-AT-gmail-DOT-com.



Riots and death, violence, wars, destruction everywhere...


So I would ask for... peace, PEACE! ... that's the gift I wish more!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Susumu Sakuma-san passed away today, Dec. 14th, 2018

Sad news, folks...

He was a sensei-san, a master in tubes and tube amps art... a true eccentric, not copy-catting, he was among the very first to conceive and build triode amps preamplified by another triode (300B/300B, for example) and a user of large industrial monsters, like WE 212, 100TH, 845 and 211.

His several books published in Japan for Seibundo Shinkosha represent a veritable goldmine.

I was honored to visit his Concord Cafe in Tateyama-shi, back in September 2009, spending a couple of quiet relaxed hours listening to music, chatting, taking pictures and soaking in the humble, serene atmosphere of this place... half a pub, a simple restaurant and half an audio museum and workshop, where the soldering-iron fumes were happily mixed with fried potatoes and eggs aroma.

I express deepest condolences to his lovely wife and family and all Japanese pals who loose a true hero, a good, humble, wise man.

R.I.P. Sakuma-san.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Christmas' time yard-sale - Altec 803A 15" N.O.S. in original box... perfect

... another nugget from my collection which I'll gladly let it go to another happy owner/collector.

A minty, shiny pair of 1959 vintage Altec 803A 15" woofers... the lightest paper cone woofers Altec ever made... even better than famed, sought-after 416A...

Speedy as light tight low-end and extreme resolution.

One of the VERY best woofers EVER produced, cost-no-object.

Not just a boom-boom woofer, but a precision instrument better suited to an exclusive system than P.A. use.

If interested, please drop me a line at: stefanocello-AT-gmail-DOT-com

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Happy birthday, Tom Waits!

Sixtynine today for a personal (and global) fave artist... 

Thanking Casey Waits' artwork.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Ortofon 100th Anniversary book

Happy Birthday, Ortofon!

The remarkable history of a company

This book reveals the remarkable history of a company that for 100 years has always been in the business of acoustics. Indeed, for that timespan, Denmark itself, has been recognised as the land of acoustics, with many companies designing innovative products. The country retains that reputation today.
Ortofon has played a significant role in creating a rich heritage for Danish acoustics. We believe that enviable legacy is best protected and continued by the development of exciting new products and keeping Ortofon viable for the future. As you will discover in the book, the list of Ortofon’s famous and groundbreaking products is a long one.
Music historian Kevin Howlett has written this history of 100 years of Ortofon based on a firm foundation of exhaustive research in various archives and in-depth interviews with past and present employees from the 1970s until now. We are indebted to all the many friends and colleagues who gave so generously of their time to contribute to this book.

The 50th Anniversary book and the 100th Anniversary book.

A must-have for the analog lover and collector.