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Thursday, October 17, 2024

David Gilmour’s hand 💫


A picture taken in Rome during recent concerts at Circo Massimo.

Thanks to my pal Giovani, who attended several of these events and shot the amazing picture💫

Tools of the trade - Gretsch White Falcon & Neil Young & Steve Stills


Everybody - myself included - was drooling at these sought after guitars blinking from records covers and music magazines 💫💎💫

From “Gainesville Rock History: The 60’s and 70’s”

During the years that I hung around Lipham Music, they had one Gretsch White Falcon in stock, hung so high that a ladder was required to bring it down. It was always there when I visited the store. I never saw anyone try it out and they certainly didn't let us teens touch it. This was Gretsch's top offering, Neil Young played one in Buffalo Springfield. This ad is from a 1966 Down Beat magazine. 

Thanks to Marty Jorad for the memories 💫

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Happy birthday to Nico 💫💫💫


Christa Päffgen 


Bert Jansch - Birthday Blues 💫


A signed copy of this masterpiece…

… and the master-tape 💫🥇💫💎💫

The Golden Ratio 💫


The Golden ratio in audio

Mathematicians have studied the golden ratio's properties since antiquity. It is the ratio of a regular pentagon's diagonal to its side and thus appears in the construction of the dodecahedron and icosahedron. A golden rectangle—that is, a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 

φ—may be cut into a square and a smaller rectangle with the same aspect ratio. The golden ratio has been used to analyze the proportions of natural objects and artificial systems such as financial markets, in some cases based on dubious fits to data. The golden ratio appears in some patterns in nature, including the spiral arrangement of leaves and other parts of vegetation.

For an optimal audio setup, Cardas Audio recommends using the Golden Ratio (1.618) to determine speaker placement, ensuring a superior listening experience. This method minimizes unwanted sound reflections and maximizes clarity, soundstage, and most importantly bass response by positioning speakers in harmony with room dimensions. Key to this approach is placing speakers and listening positions in mathematically precise spots, reducing acoustic interference and improving overall sound quality. By adhering to these principles, audiophiles can create a well-balanced room.

Setting Up Speakers in a

Rectangular Room

Very precise speaker placement can open up a whole new dimension in listening, so I will outline the system that is becoming the standard of the industry. This standardized listening room is a Golden Cuboid and is the model for the math used in this system. This method will work with any box speaker, in any reasonably sized rectangular room. You may find that you have already positioned your speakers this way by ear. 

Active nodes are the main concern when placing speakers in a rectangular room. A node, or the frequency where speakers and parallel walls interact, is proportional to the speaker to the wall distance. 

The three most importance nodes, in order of importance, are proportional to the distance between the speaker and: 

1. The side wall nearest the speaker

2. The rear wall

3. The side wall across from the speaker 


A secondary factor is the speaker-to-speaker time constant. 

When you use this Golden Ratio method to set your room up, the speakers are placed so the three nodes progress or differ from one another in Golden Ratio. This eliminates any unison or near unison resonance in the nodes. 

Panel or dipole speakers such as Apogees and Magnepans cancel their side waves, so a formula of .618 x the ceiling height can be used for determining placement from the rear wall. Most box speakers radiate low frequencies in all directions thus a formula that places the speaker to rear wall distance at 1.618 the side wall distance should be used. 

Speaker placement, simply stated:

-The distance from the center of the woofer face to the side walls is: 

Room Width times .276 (RW x .276) 


-The distance from the center of the woofer face to the wall behind the speaker is: 

Room Width times .447 (RW x .447) 


This is what you need to know to place speakers in a symmetrical, rectangular room!

 Thanks to Cardas Audio 🙏

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The making of a masterpiece: Jimmy Giuffre 3 on ECM


I already talked about this very double disc in 2009, originally issued as two separate discs on Verve label in 1961, which was the trigger element for a young Manfred Eicher to found his very own ECM 💎; in fact, in later years he was also able to get the rights to re-issue these amazing discs in a single double-set… for posterity and his own pleasure and thanksgiving 💫

Recording was held at Olmsted studio in 1961, at 1 East 54th St. in Manhattan. Here are some cool pictures by Herb Snitzer from a Verve session (Jimmy Giuffre, Steve Swallow and Paul Bley). 



Heaven or hell?


"If you offered me a paradise without sex, I would say no, thank you; women are such a sweet hell."

—Ovid (Sulmona, 43 BC - Tomis, 17 AD) Roman poet, orator and writer.

"Equilibrio" (2010)

Carrara marble, Sculpture By Roberto Manzano Hernández (Madrid 1972)

Since 1996 he has lived in Urrácal (Almería)

His works, almost all made of white Macael marble, recall the aesthetics of the late Renaissance, Mannerism and the sculptural concept.

Joni, the Queen of Laurel Canyon 💫


Saturday, October 12, 2024



 "Coat and Hats" / Thelonious Monk 

(a painting  by Martel Chapman)

Noye’s Fludde, again 😉


Ararat's mount is a stratovolcano, formed by lava flows and pyroclastic eject, with no volcanic crater. Above the height of 4200 meters, the mountain consists mainly of igneous rocks covered by an ice sheet.

The lower peak (of 3896 m, Low Ararat) arising from the same base, southeast of the main peak. The lava plateau spreads between the two pinnacles. The bases of these two mountains is approximately 1,000 km².

The formation of the Ararat is difficult to recover geologically, but the type of volcanism and the volcano's position raises the idea that this occurred when the Tethys Sea closed during the Neogene period, as recently occurred along the plate boundaries of eurasian, African and Arabian Cabo de Gata to the Caucasus. Ararat's mount, in the Jewish-Christian tradition, is associated with the "Mountains of Ararat" where according to the book of Genesis, Noah's Fludde is supposed to be located. It also plays a significant role in Armenian nationalism and irredentism.

Rare Britten's Noye’s Fludde very first recording and pressing on English Argo Label quoted in the Harry Pearsons TAS Lists

Thanking Saulo Zucchell for the above 🙏

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Danny who?


He is Danny Godber, a close friend of Peter Sinfield at the time of the early King Crimson and a computer programmer with a hobby of painting and graphics. 

He is the author of the double cover of the first album of the Crimson King, the iconic "In The Court Of The Crimson King" which came out today, October 10, 55 years ago. 

It was he who gave the group the painting that portrays that terrible deformed face of a man who emits a scream, as well as a second drawing that will become the protagonist of the inside cover, the peaceful and smiling face of the Crimson King. A beautiful contrast undoubtedly, a perfect representation of the spirit of the album, at times furious, at times calm and relaxed. Godber died very young, in 1970, of a heart attack. He was 24 years old and an uncertain future as an artist, from what his friends tell of him. 

He barely had time to see his idea come to fruition, the schizoid man of the 20th century sublimated in one of the most important records of the late 60s, King Crimson's debut album, the incredible, very current "In The Court Of The Crimson King". The original canvases are kept by Robert Fripp in his display case protected from light and external agents that could undermine their conservation.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Worthy 💫


… the above should be corrected: DAA is Digital recording, analog mixing and analog mastering ✅

Sunday, October 6, 2024

From Seoul with love…


Thanking Kiichiro Minami-san who shared this FABULOUS pictures from his recent visit of Silbatone/Western Electric museum in Seoul, South Korea AKA “Audeum Audio Museum”.

Arigato gozaimashita!