Sunday, April 5, 2020

Amber sound - new mono DaVa cartridge from Lithuania

DaVa MONO Vintage FC cartridge starts the line of DaVa MONO cartridges. Everybody knows, that old mono vinyls were recorded in direct cutting way. It needed minimum of recording equipment. 

It gave high result in emotional sense of music.This cartridge was created to raise that listening in the other, new level. 

It is based on the same electromagnetic technology and built using cactus cantilever . It is designed in old schooled patination matched with traditional my nation’s amber found in the Baltic sea and widely used in producing many kinds of jewelry and decorations.

I didn’t expect its sound to be so powerful, to contain the legend of pure music. It seems the music goes through your mind and body, you can feel its delicate vibrations on your skin. 

The line of DaVa MONO FC cartridges will include : 1. current DaVa MONO FC Vintage cartridge (only for mono vinyls), 2 . DaVa MONO FC (for mono and stereo vinyls) . 3. DaVa MONO FC 78. The principle of generator construction has never been used in any cartridges before,it is unique . All of them have 0,2 Mv output.

Kudos to Darius for his new creation.

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