Sunday, April 5, 2020

A different point of view?

A necessary approach, these days...

I very seldom listen to my Gotorama and many activities, including hauling heavy stuffs helped by my cool, strong nephew (impossible handling my Studer C37 without his help) are postponed to better, future days...

I'm mostly enjoying my wife company at home with the musical comfort of small system (Chiomenti's Lo Scherzo with RK50 Alps pot, Grundig Audiorama 7000 and Spotify Premium via MacBook).

The last time I went to my Studietto, I was able to turn ON the system and spin some disc and reel and... what I got seemed like an epiphany - i.e. the days I spent without the highest definition/dyamic system improved my experience to a new level of overall satisfaction, orgasm... aehm, eargasm-like.

It's like when looking at an awesome landscape... if you look first-hand it's much more than if you live there.

The humble conclusion? 

As I already noticed in the past, music is faaaaar mooooore important and necessary to me than most gears on the planet and I could live without my electronics and ancillaries... BUT - also if it's such a joy listening to it on Gotrorama with my blah, blah, blah... - I couldn't live without the music I lived with most of my life.

Stay safe and healthy, folks...

Love everyone.

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