Sunday, January 27, 2013

Audio Tourism

In the years I went everywhere I could... Germany, Switzerland, USA, France, UK, Japan... and Italy, of course.

Yet, I wasn't prepared to what I saw yesterday, at 150 km from home: a mix between an audio and studio gears museum and an house stuffed with classy electronic masterpieces.

Several Studer A80: 1/4, 1/2 and 1 inches (!!!), several C 37, several Telefunken M15A, M15, M10, M5, a Nagra T, a JBL Paragon (my first time, ever...), several EMT 930, 950, a Garrard 301 Grey grease bearing, baffles with PHYs wide band, handmade speakers from France and tapes, MASTER tapes everywhere and discs, discs...

Your truly as Pat "Maurice" Ieraci, in Jefferson Airplane's "Crown of Creation" cover insert;-)))

Look at the almost moving colours matching of the capstan flywheel and motor of the above Telefunken M10... Germans do it better!

The owner of this... THIS... is a very knowledged gentleman who in about ten years of search and swapping gears made IT.... after changing his hobby from motorbikes collecting!

IMPRESSIVE...  will let iPhone pixes - at least - to hint what I experienced.


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