Saturday, January 26, 2013

ALLNIC's Puritas - Exultate Justi in Domino! Jubilate!!!

Puritas is now juicy enough to describe its very sound... beautiful... exceptionally beautiful and SO clever in tracking and detailing.

Also if Allnic's papers suggest at least 40 hours breaking in are necessary to obtain best sonic results, after two 4 + 5 hours listening sessions, I CANNOT BELIEVE to how much more this still so young:-))) cartridge is already now giving to yours truly... my musical enjoyment is at its Zenith.

Garrardzilla with Shindo grey mat,  Schick arm and Yamamoto HS-3 boxwood headshell and Her Majesty The Puritas.

... here tuning the VTF, at 2,30 grams first setting... after some discs, I changed VTF to 2,20 grams... just perfect and a VERY audible improvement!

... sssshhhh... a (short) preview: Puritas MC cartridge - ALLNIC's top of the line - is an handmade masterpiece!

Music NEVER sounded so right, guts and sweetness, cojones and velvet gloves, CRAZY dynamics and subtleties... TONS of subtleties...  an anticipation: as I always do, when evaluating a new piece of gear, I began with a couple of MUCH beloved solo lute discs on EMI Reflexe... yes, please forgive me... always maestro Anthony Bailes'... I probably listened to these vinyls one hundred times... and, yes, Puritas, only a few hours "old" showed its great, GREAT merits with something I know so well!

I heard some pre-fretting left hand preparing next notes noises I NEVER previously noticed...


Some outside the recording venue - a church in Sion, Switzerland - noises - i.e. -  kids playing and laughing outside the church which I already "captured" with Lumiere DST as these kids appearing, screaming and disappearing, suddenly,  are - now, with Puritas' - clearly audible as moving from L to R, maybe walking.

Some young male voices are higher in volume and pitch than others... and so clear and real.

Superb resolution... I tried it with some MC trannies from my collection: Peerless 4685, first (nice), then Tango MC 999, a little cold-sounding and WE 618B... WOW!

Nirvana... perfect... incredible... right... THE heavenly matching!

I could talk about Ludwig Streicher's double bass and piano accompaniment... looooow end and piano are so natural... undistorted, limitless, growling and powerful and airy, strings and wooden body and ambient. A superb rendition.... the best ever.

... or, I could say, when I listened to beloved Popol Vuh's "Das Hohelied Salomos" on German United Artists label... I owned this disk for decades, now... on first side, piano, cymbals and Yong Yu's voice - also singing on seminal Hosianna Mantra on Pilz - at the very beginning of some tracks there is a blurred "sound"... a sort of echo... it WAS (someway) blurred... when I yesterday listened to this disc, I almost fell from my  lounge chair:-)

Bells, folk... church bells, two different bells, actually... I was able to incredibly hear this... the bells are someway electronically filtered and manipulated, BUT their nature is now still audible, in all its pureness...  aehm,  Puritas:-)))!

I suspect I could annoy you with more and more examples, now and in the near future...

... blah, blah, blah... that's enough!

Puritas is a perfect cartridge, folks... find NO defects, period... well, if you do not tune the VTA carefully, the coils could rub on vinyl surface... BUT why not carefully tuning the VTA on such a nice, exotic cartridge?!?!?

Lazyness? To loose!

... more later and soon...

... hey, it's Saturday:-)

Steppin' out!