Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Swan Song 💫


… or better: the Angel Song session… religiously listening to a much beloved disc, just re-published by ECM on vinyl for the very first time, from “original masters” 😉 (and who cares if it’s a digital recording 😵‍💫).

It’s soooo gooooood, and it sounds soooooo amazing… mesmerizing 💎 on Gotorama with Garrardzilla, the mighty DST15 Ice Age, Analogtechnik’s masterpiece, on 13” The Peak Ultimate and Misho’s Audio Antiquary Phono Stage.

I couldn’t think a better way to honor the humble place - a mental space - whose thick, old walls cocooned me for the last 15 years. 

Music will be forever and Studietto will resurrect, soon… I apologize for this long, almost endless “adieu”… I risk of appearing sappy, almost annoyingly sentimental, but myself and everyone who spent some time at my place agrees: I’m leaving a truly one-of-a-kind room where time had a sensual “thickness”, a density seldom experienced… all the beauty - the Music played there - maybe soaked the old walls and the wooden ceiling… who knows 😏

P.S. - please buy your copy of the 2-discs set on ECM before it goes sold-out.

It’s my Desert Island disc 💫

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