Sunday, May 26, 2024

An esoteric & musical afternoon 💫


Yesterday I visited for the second time my friend Fabio’s man-cave and, after three years from the first visit since he began playin’n’fiddlin’ with those one-of-a-kind Oleg Rullit’s wide-band, field-coils loudspeakers.

The unique, amazing DaVinci Grandezza 🥇

An awesome disk I immediately bought on Discogs.

Another musical gem 💎

He’s a strong advocate of resonant cabinets where the loudspeakers are mounted to a light wood panel not integral with the actual cabinet, much thicker and bulky, thus resonating at a different frequency than the transducer-mount.

The loudspeakers, reminiscent of a double bass, are the most appealing part of the audio system, but at a more deep inspection, everything is bespoke made and sure the layout of cables, the several, dedicated “ground-boxes”, the huge Western Electric 300A “engraved base” amp and the majestic yet unassuming DaVinci Audio Labs Grandezza passive line-preamp (TVC) - everything plays holistically coherent and - also if the source is a no-name, bespoke CD player and DAC - the final result is nothing less than… unimpressive 😊.


Yes, trying to better explain the feeling: the electronic and electric audio-system footprint (soundprint?) is so neutral that music isn’t “reproduced” but “played”.

Not a subtle difference listening to the sooo natural notes coming with great headroom and awesome dynamics and detailing.

The compression of lesser recordings is always very audible: I could only imagine such a revealing system used in a mastering studio… we sure would be enjoying much better disks!

The piano and double bass sounded just perfect and right in size, harmonics, body/wood and strings and recording venue.

An amazing sense of hic et nunc is present and this absence of any listening fatigue makes music highly enjoyable.

The hard-work needed to assemble and fine tune this music-machine and the sometimes/somewhat obscure and esoteric “Weltanschauung” (Lux Sapienti) our host and landlord intermittently showed doesn’t distract the listener to the real meaning of such a behemoth of a system: playing music.

My sincere compliments to Fabio for the so enjoyable experience and the overall beauty coming from - not by chance - artisanal handicrafts, pointing this out as opposed to the vast majority of the - definitely - poser hyper-€$£¥ audio systems, so often an intrinsic power-show up of the owner’s ego

Sure not the case of this audio installation 💫🥇💎💫

Kudos, Fabio and thanks for hosting.


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