Monday, May 6, 2024

Silbatone & Maihak 💫


Admittedly, this is a somewhat unusual amplifier combination. Silbatone L-103 pre amp with Maihak V53 power amp. Although the two devices are separated by almost 70 years, the tonal character is not too different and together they play wonderful music.

Also from a technical point of view we have a smart combination. The output transformer of the Silbatone is connected via XLR to the input transformer of the Maihak.

The input and output transformers of the Silbatone are wound entirely from silver wire, the tubes are GE7044 and WE310A. The Maihak is using Malotki transformers, one of the finest ever made.

This is Markus’ system 


P.S. - look at the Garrard 301 console-mount: it is Uber-elegant and minimalist 🥇

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