Thursday, December 28, 2023

Deaf 😱


Still recovering from a bad flu with high fever up to 39,5C and assorted related paraphernalia (lysergic nightmares, etc.), I’m experiencing something truly annoying and disturbing: a frequencies-selective deafness 😱

Being stuck at home, I took a chance to change strings to some of my guitars and, to my surprise, the sound of my fine acoustic instruments is lacking harmonics and everything sounds flawed, lesser, leaner and thinner!

I turned on my home audio system and I found same feeling - i.e. - the perception of sound changed abruptly to a far-from-hi-end aural experience: low-end almost disappeared and high frequencies are sort-of exaggerated… 

Both hi-end acoustic instruments and audio-system sounding like cheap, flea-market gears is something which would impress and worry anybody, also a painful lesson: Man first or we aren’t nothing without our senses and perceptions ✅

Sure the (temporary) deafness is related to the presence of mucus, a problem that any otolaryngologist would explain better than myself… yet, the weirdness of situation is due to the sense of gratitude of - at least - the actual memory of my quite remarkable hearing and listening skills and capabilities: being a self-proclaimed “twogoodears” sounds pretentious at best, these days 😊

I just hope to get back my sense of hearing, now clouded.


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