Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bebo Moroni passed away


Bebo was a music and audio reviewer whose influence was paramount in growing my own and several other Italian audiophiles’ love for quality audio.

His prose was straightforwardly hinting to several topics which for a younger me were like nourishment for my mind: I remember I waited at the newsstand for the freshly issued audio magazine, feverish aiming to read Bebo’s reviews.

A junkie 😏

Thanking Bebo I knew music and gears and lingo I’d never had the opportunity to know elsewhere.

In my personal Olympus, Bebo sits with a bunch of others, both living and passed: Harry Pearson, Ken Kessler, Sandro Ruggieri, Jean Hiraga, Lorenzo Zen, Art Dudley and an haggard bunch of others.

Bebo was 63 😱

RIP and my condolences to his family… and thanks 💔

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