Friday, October 7, 2022

Keith Jarrett’s Bordeaux Concert (ECM 2022)


The music on this disk is just awesome, quite different from the long improvisations Maestro Jarrett became world-famous - i.e. a collection of miniatures very different in mood and texture.

The recording is also very nice, with a full-bodied piano... BUT the applauding audience is very annoying, greatly disturbing the music intimacy at the end of all short pieces and extremely badly captured... most of the several KC’s live recordings I own and cherish are so vastly better sounding, even hand-clapping is much more natural, not a strident thunderstorm!

La Scala, Paris/London, Carnegie Hall, La Fenice and many others have that sincere audience gratefully exploding yet smooth applauses... not last ECM’s.

Just a personal complaint... music is gorgeous and disk is a must-have 🥇

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