Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Peak 13” is singing 🎶


After some months after completing a one-of-a-kind 13” arm, I left it on a shelf to sort-of “mature” in studietto’s music-friendly environment, waiting for the right mood to mount and finely tuning into Garrardzilla’s.

 I wished giving to the mighty Analogtechnik DMT25 cartridge the best arm, able to tame its energy and to return to me all the nuances hidden in the grooves.

The 13” arm allowed me to avoid the Ortofon APJ-1 1” adapter… believe it or not, taking off the adapter, immediately improved slam and detailing.

Pushed by the audible improvement, I wanted to try an alternative to beloved TdP’s The Head TX4 SUT - I’ve been using exclusively for at least a couple of years - swapping to my Western Electric 618B which I never used with DMT25.

The result was nothing short of A M A Z I N G!

Really: after several decades into music and audio passion, I’m still amazed by the improvements possible with my audio system.

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