Friday, November 29, 2019

Disc of the Month - Barre Phillips' End to End (ECM - 2018)

I recently attended to a very intimate acoustic concert of Barre Phillips, at 85 years young one of my most beloved musicians and double-bass players ever... his playing is so beautifully complex and at same time easy, straight to the soul...

The concert was a fantastic showcase, a whispered statement of class and musicianship...

Beside owning maybe 10-15 discs of the old master, I didn't resist and bought straight from him his last ECM disk, recorded in France in a nice studio near to Mr. Phillips' home in Southern France, near Toulon.

On my way back home I listened to the CD through my car audio system and it already clicked as great music... BUT... the day after, I swear, when I played through Gotorama... I listened to it three times in a row, loop-like... completely in love.

Refreshing, deep, beautiful with a seldom heard singing quality...

The playing was captured by a Neumann U47 and an AKG 414, as shown on booklet liner pixies... the Steve Lake liner notes are, as usual, an awesome compendium.


A masterpiece, folks...



P.S. - A vinyl version is also available... and it's  g o r g e o u s!

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