This is Stefano Bertoncello's Blog (ステファノ・ベルトンチェッロ - トゥーグッドイアーズ − ブロガー、オーディオ&ミュージック・コンサルタント) devoted to pacific topics like Music - live and reproduced - i.e. discs, audio, guitars - both vintage and new, concerts, workshops, and related stuffs. Furthermore: travelling - as a mind-game and real globetrotting, and books, movies, photography... sharing all the above et al. and related links... and to anything makes Life better and Earth a better place to stay, enjoying Life, in Peace.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Disk of the Month - Sousedi - Purpura Echo (featuring Dorota Barova) / 2013
Got today a packet from Praha, Czech Republic… inside four disks and a limited edition vinyl.
I began listening randomly to the music candies which the always so kind Josef Jindrák sent to me… but more later…
I got attracted by this nice artwork cover and classy carton jewel box… then I remembered that one track - i.e. "Ranni Mlha" - on a Poli5 sampler attracted me for its freshness, interweaving guitars and cello, remotely reminding to Bat Chain Puller by Captain Beefheart, but also - at a distance - to "Reflection" by Pentangle or some early John Abercrombie's or Terje Rypdal's ECMs… all with a definite flavor of Magyar folk melodies.
Music to be cocooned with… sweet and looping, but never boring… always surprising for its sonic and musical architecture and beauty.
A nice, nice disk, indeed… the recording - like many of other Poli5 label production - is SUPERB… I mean S U P E R B, not kidding.
You can listen here:
You can listen here :)
You can listen here :)