This is Stefano Bertoncello's Blog (ステファノ・ベルトンチェッロ - トゥーグッドイアーズ − ブロガー、オーディオ&ミュージック・コンサルタント) devoted to pacific topics like Music - live and reproduced - i.e. discs, audio, guitars - both vintage and new, concerts, workshops, and related stuffs. Furthermore: travelling - as a mind-game and real globetrotting, and books, movies, photography... sharing all the above et al. and related links... and to anything makes Life better and Earth a better place to stay, enjoying Life, in Peace.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Alessandro Monti's "The Venetian Book of the Dead' with Kevin Hewick - Unfolk
This is an heavy load, folks... Alessandro and Kevin Hewick dedicated this disk to Marghera (Venice) deaths for cancer at chemical plant which was there, sooo near to one of the most famous, beautiful and fragile cities in the world...
Beside polluting and fucking the monuments and lagoon buildings and gondolas and all, those criminal minds weren't bothered by having poisonous and cancerous materials badly and unsafely produced and handled by innocent workers: they've been guilty of thrice a crime... to Earth, Men and man-made artifacts - i.e. Venice and its beauties.
Can music blame and be strong and heavy enough against those sub-human monsters, so blindly hungry of money and filthy-fated profits?
Definitely yes!
The texts of "The Venetian Book of the Dead" are lively and fresh, sadly so contemporary as cancer was in virtually every family and still is... dozens, hundreds deaths in the name of profit, without protection and safety... gloves, masks and proper dressing would have avoided all this...
... yet far too expensive for the landlords... the S.O.B.s!
Buy this record, folks... it's sang in English and texts are also translated in Italian... music is... WOW!!!
REM and Tortoise and more... acoustic guitars, bass guitar and acoustic mandolin, masterfully played by Alessandro Monti... and KEvin's singing.
A very, VERY intriguing disk and superb music.
Much worth a listen... a fond one.
Thanking Felice Casson, Milena Gabanelli and Marco Paolini for spreading the ill-fated verb on the matter.
Thanks for the post: grazie per questa segnalazione... in effetti delle molte (positive) recensioni questa é l'unica che cita Tortoise tra le influenze. Avevo spedito alla loro etichetta (Thrill Jockey) il mio primo demo nel 1999 ed avevo ricevuto una gentile risposta... il che era già molto vista la marea di files/cds che vengono proposti alle labels in giro per il mondo. All'epoca la mia musica era abbastanza diversa, ma un brano di quel demo é finito nel primo lavoro "Unfolk" (2006). La musica dei Tortoise era influenzata dal krautrock dei Kosmische couriers tedeschi: un'influenza comune ai nostri lavori.
ReplyDeletePer chi fosse interessato esiste una versione live del "Libro Veneziano dei Morti" abbinata al remaster del primo Unfolk ("Unfolk + Live Book" 2 cd) con estratti dai 2 concerti del Collettivo Unfolk con Kevin Hewick del 2011: una versione decisamente molto diversa dall'originale!
Grazie a te, Alessandro... ho anche acquistato il doppio dal vivo, che consiglio caldamente a chi aveva gia' apprezzato il "Venetian Books..."... un'altro disko... e, ne approfitto, bella registrazione...
ReplyDeleteUn grazie anche a qualcuno che conosci (ricordi?!?!): Ivan Poggi per i sempre brillanti consigli... qualcosa che Amazon o DiscoGs non daranno mai... conoscere il cliente che spesso diventa un amico, a statement vs. Amazon:-)))
Buona musica. Alessandro and let's keep in touch:-)