Saturday, December 29, 2012


I believe in caos and chance... entelechy...  ἐντελέχεια... yes!

... or the most perfect form of perfection, as it's self-contained... not "pushed" or hyped or stressed...  the best and only self-perfection:-)

Yesterday I received a small envelope from Bruxelles... the artist who played and recorded one of the disks Jean Hiraga brought with him during our Kolner gathering at Klaus' place - only a few weeks ago - sent it to me...

Jason Van Gulick, the percussionist behind this one-of-a-kind extremely limited edition, home-cooked disk is a genius... I got # 48/60: the disk title is, would you bet it, "Entelechy".

He quotes - with his flawless playing - Gamelan, Tibetan and Chinese traditions, a la Lou Harrison and Colin Mcphee, yet, he sounds like an early Stomu Yamashta, and he's eerie and heavy, crashing cymbals and big drums, using hands and sticks and mallets.

Strange indeed, once more time, after remembering the listening of this SO nice disk at Klaus', I noticed a whole load of hidden details in the background of music... birds (the recording was held in May in Bruxelles...) and assorted little background noises.

All these details SIMPLY weren't previously audible, during my first auditioning of this fine music.


Shamelessly... YES,  proudly, yet respectfully selfconscious and feeling NO embarassed while comparing Gotorama to Klauscope... sincerely, as music always is also "naked truth",  I strongly felt the HUGE merits of what I created in my listening room, after some years of hard work and fiddling and spending time and money: also on Jason's disk heaviest passages, with BIG drums, metal "thunder" sheets and cymbals climaxes, I do not loose control or feel pain at the ears or feel the need to get worried about (audible) distorsions or any system crisis and stress and still keeping a detailing 2die4... not only (beloved) birds chirping on this very disk, also the hum of a guitar tube amplifier before an electric guitar solo or the twang of an amp spring reverb on "The Alps 3rd"... or the hands brushing a drum leather, again on Jason's... and more and more... if all the above is "here" I find it "right" to hear and enjoy it... am I wrong?

I - shamelessly - enjoy "what" a system "truly" is: as I already pointed it out, not gears on shelves in a room,  BUT a "system"... all the above embedded in each others, indissolubly... where all complexness is digested and forgotten, and only a Zen-like, simple distillate remains.


I'm not aware of other "systems" around... performing this way, as a "whole"... and this whole is MUCH more than the sum of single parts.

I told you: on this end of 2012... I'm shameless:-) for being aware of ἐντελέχεια when I find it.

Thanking Jason for great playing and superb recording and Jean for his always great musical tastes and suggestions.

... and kudos and deep bows to everyone, friends and artisans, who contributed with yours truly in creating... this... THIS...


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