Friday, August 17, 2012

Ears and Hearing Dept. - Five senses? Sure?!?

From schooldays onward, we've been told our body owns and uses five senses - i.e. sight, smelling, ohhh, well... you know what I mean...

... but... BUT... we all (or so) think this is sometimes a limited, pessimist point of view... a brand new:-) plethora of senses seems, scientifically blessed, to exist!

I'm not - for now - talking about those (fabled) bat-like hearing skills an audiophile builds up in years of spending huge amount of money on audio gears, discs and trying and tasting...


A recent book, "A tour of senses: how your brain interprets the world" by John M. Henshaw (The John Hopkins University Press $ 29,95) talks about, at least, of ten or more senses... the "newer" being skin or blood-pressure or sexual based...

It's like science is trying to explain why we fall in love or empathy among people... or why some people does or feels "things" others simply do not.

... on my part, beside the ironic, above mentioned hinting to audio/idiot-philiac hypes - my own included, of course:-) - we read and experienced in the last decades now have a scientific foundation...

Educating and learning the "hows & whens" of virtually any human art and skill, always bonded to a given sense is Life, whatever it is!

Thinking about those gifted people, an handful, worldwide, whose "nose" is capable of amazing selectiveness: applied to wine tasting or parfumes blending, it's a truly sought after and rare skill and attitude, indeed.

I'm after ears, hearing, listening to music, noises, the sonic breathing of creation... and I also love parfumes and, while biking in the countryside, my nose recognizes this or that scent, well before my eyes see the flower or the plant involved... it's an always "ON" sense, like ears...

... which are able to discern a tiny sound in a roaring waterfall or a leaf movement in a storm...

The layers and layers of sounds and musics and melodies and rhythms and patterns which my well rehearsed ears are able to feed my brain with is, always and always, every day of my life, amazing... surprising, magic, holy, mysterious...

Also if ears are always in "ON" mode, very often I'm pretty conscious I'm able to make broader or narrower the hearing "Delta", the gap, where, say, motorbiking is (aurally) made of wind, motor roaring, far in the background country noises, traffic...

... but, when I'm into music, playing my instruments or listening to my audio system, it's like I fold and fold and fold and blossom like I'm sooo focused and accurate and pin-pointed to the a.m. aural almost infinite layers, like a child looks at a freshly blossomed rose, intensely, like he's looking at the "first, one and only rose on the planet"...and always it's the very first time, in loop-mode, time after time, endlessly.

Sometimes, I enjoy music so much, so lightly yet intensely, almost painfully that - I already told you in the past - I loose my body, I'm lost... and my ears are much more than two weird looking flesh parts at head sides:-)

Maybe "hearing" involves outer ears, as we all have, and an inner ear - sort of a "Third Eye", aehm, "Third Ear" :-) - a humankind DNA-imbedded, universal super-ear, always growing with new aural experiences, ad libitum.

Something supremely non-esoteric and naturally clicking, only available when "ears" and "hearing" is an open-minded, relaxed, oblomovist and child-like mode act... for free and only available to our truest essence.


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